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Broken..please help guys..

Anna's Mom
sherri b
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Post  Greeneyes Tue May 04, 2010 4:10 pm

Hey Guys,
The migraines have been the worst that they have ever been in my life...feeling completely broken and don't know what to do.

Having horrible insomnia..I did not sleep for over 6 days..tried talking to my doctor..She has started me on two new medications..Nortrityptaline ( for the pain of the fibro) and Trazadone to sleep. Went off the pain patch ..taking Dilaudid( one pill a day)

The pain is unbearable..I've been in bed or onthe couch..crying.

dondn't know if this makes sense..I'll ask my hubby to answer for me and to read any advice.

Love blessings,

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Post  kimsmom Tue May 04, 2010 4:16 pm

Wendy, my heart breaks for you. I wish there was something that could stop your pain. You have suffered so much.

I am sorry I do not really have any answers for you. So glad you have your husband and your boys.

You are in my prayers,


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Post  tecky Tue May 04, 2010 6:28 pm

I'm so sorry. Keeping you in my prayers and hoping for some relief very soon. Please hang in there. flower

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Post  sherri b Tue May 04, 2010 7:14 pm

I feel so bad for you also. I am praying for God to please give you some relief from it all! In Jesus name, I life up Greeneyes to you, You Lord know who she is and what she is going through, please give her some relief from all of this.
In His Name I pray!
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Post  milo Tue May 04, 2010 7:27 pm

Try to find strength in knowing that it will likely pass. I hope it passes soon for you and that the new meds help. I'm sending you positive thoughts.

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Post  Hal Tue May 04, 2010 9:11 pm


Have your husband very very gently run his fingers over your scalp. I have found this very soothing when I have a migraine and it helps reduce the pain for a short period of time. Then I would have him take you to the emergency room and get a shot of something that would put me to sleep and kill the pain.

May God bless and keep you and take your pain.


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Post  Ivy Wed May 05, 2010 12:46 am

Sweet Wendy,
I was wondering about you a few days ago. I miss your posts and I am terribly sorry to hear that you're struggling so much.
Insomnia and migraine seem to generate a very bad cycle and you must try to break it by stopping one of the two.
I hope that the new meds will help. Hang in there!

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Post  theresae Wed May 05, 2010 2:28 am

Thinking of you, i really hope it passes for you soon, i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, take care. x

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Post  sherri b Wed May 05, 2010 5:38 am

I agree with Hal, Go to the emergency room if it doesn't let up. they have given me morphine once. and that had to inject it twice before mine would let up, but it did help and put me to sleep. It's worth a try when you are that bad..
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Post  Paradox Wed May 05, 2010 7:38 am

Dear Wendy,

Once the med's kick in you'll feel so much better. I started on Doxepin and have such improvement because I'm SLEEPING Sleep

So sorry you are struggling.

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Post  HeelerLady Wed May 05, 2010 8:16 am


I feel for you and hope that the pain has eased up. If things are that bad I would head to the ER - I've stuck it out when I should have gone and it's not worth it.

One word on the nortriptyline - this can make things worse. I was on it for 4 months and had numerous drug interactions and in the end went off of it because it raised my resting heart rate from 64 bpm to 100bpm and elevated my blood pressure. Just something to watch for - I was in horrific pain because it interacted with another med and I didn't know it and the elevated hr wasn't allowing me to do anything as it just spiked the pain.

You're in my thoughts and prayers,


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Post  Anna's Mom Wed May 05, 2010 9:48 am

Wendy, I feel so very badly for you. As for advice, it is really difficult to come up with much because you have done years of medication trials and have tried various pain meds.

One thing you perhaps have not tried is morphine sulfate oral solution. In January the FDA approved it for opioid-tolerant patients who have acute and chronic pain (non-cancer pain).

It can be very effective and potent, and I imagine it might be difficult to get a doctor to let you try it. But if you google the above, perhaps your could print out some info to show to your doctor.

I believe in palliative care for brain pain, when someone has exhausted many other treatments and spent years of their life doing so without any success.

Supporting you,
Anna's Mom
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Post  dcook60 Wed May 05, 2010 10:43 am

wendy, this is just awful for you, and i'm as sorry as the rest of the people on this forum.

my only thought is that starting two drugs at once is not such a good idea. you can't tell which does what, when you do it like that. do you think the trazadone helps you to sleep?

if you could find a good sleeping aid, you might not need so much pain control that's my experience, anyway. dianne

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Post  Cathy Wed May 05, 2010 11:28 am

Okay, this is just weird. I just started Trazadone to help me sleep last week. I have had worse migraines and neck/shoulder pain ever since but blamed it on increased phone calls in at work and turning my head. Got a headset for my phone, no better. Went to the chiro, got a massage, no better. So last night I didn't take the sleeping pill and woke up with just a headache this morning, not a head splitting knife in my head and neck. It could be coincidence so I intend to try it again on the weekend so I'm not messing with my work week. Maybe I can pinpoint if that's the culprit.

It's always trial and error with all these meds. I really hope you find a solution. I agree with everyone else that if you can't get relief, go to the hospital. I hope you're feeling better soon.


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Post  Tngirl83 Wed May 05, 2010 11:28 pm

I feel your pain. I have had a horrible migraine for over 8 weeks now. I wasn't sleeping for 4 or 5 nights and then would pass out from exhaustion on the 6th day but would only be for a few hours before the pain would wake me up.

My neuro has me on topamax and a suppository for the severe nausea/vomitting. Unfortunately I have been on every preventative med and abortive without success. I cannot take pain pills because they make my migraines worse and I have a stomach problem and pain meds make it worse. We are trying the topamax again and keeping our fingers crossed.

I am assuming you've tried propanolol as a preventative? There is a newer abortive sumavel dosepro. It's a pen injection system. You can look it up online and ask your doctor about it. It's newer.

I really hope and pray your doctor can help you find some relief. I know how depressing it is to be in so much pain. My best wishes for you.

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Post  dizzyflower Thu May 06, 2010 3:23 am

Sorry you are going through such a tough time. I'm afraid I don't have any answers but wanted you to know I will be thinking of you.



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Post  estre004 Thu May 06, 2010 8:34 am

Go to the emergency room!!! I'll be thinking of you. Let us know when it breaks and hope it is soon!!!


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Post  Mishkyn Thu May 06, 2010 12:29 pm

Oh Wendy,
My heart aches for you. I am assuming the patch did not help you, and the one dilaudid a day seems absurdly ridiculous---it doesn't SEEM that way, it IS ridiculous.

Do you have one of those ophiod phobic drs? Many drs feel that very few anti-depressants help with pain control. And Trazadone? Does it help you sleep? Why do all the sweetest people have the most pain? I think of you often, and keep you in my prayers. I know your husband and sons must be going crazy watching you suffer.

Know that you have a sister, miles away through cyberspace, suffering, too. Perhaps one day our miracles will come.

Love, Mishkyn


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Post  Greeneyes Thu May 06, 2010 2:28 pm

Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind words..my heart aches for you guys as well.

It's been a couple of years so my doctor wants me to take the chronic pain class again. Currently, she believes this is the only thing that will help me deal with the chronic pain. Also, she wants me to mediatate.

Love to you all,

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Post  Cathy Fri May 07, 2010 8:25 am

Greeneyes -
Me again. I am so glad you posted what you did. It made me realize that the much more severe migraines and neck/shoulder pain was definitely from the Trazodone. I was going to try it again, but after reading again what you wrote, I won't touch it. I'll cross another one off the list. Thanks to your post, I avoided a weekend of horrible pain and will just have the usual migraine to deal with.

Take care and I hope something works out and at least gives you relief.


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Post  sailingmuffin Fri May 07, 2010 10:09 am


I'm so sorry you are going through such a rough patch. I wish I had more advice for you. Could your dr increase the pain meds or try something else to help you sleep. I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

My stimulator is currently broken and I have spent the 2 weeks in a similar position- either curled up or crying and trying to get surgery set up.

I really hope that something helps soon.

Pain free days,

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Post  Norma Fri May 07, 2010 3:52 pm

I am so sorry for your pain. I wish I had sage advice, but I don't. Like some other people, the tricyclics were not helpful for me. They made my heart race, and actually added to the insomnia. Have you ever tried steroids to break a bad pain cycle? Sometimes that works for me.

I wish there were something I could say or do. Life just is not fair by any stretch of the imagination. Stay in touch.



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Post  CluelessKitty Fri May 07, 2010 6:47 pm

Dear Wendy I am so SO sorry for what you are going thru.
You are such a nice and caring person, you deserve so much better, not this heII of a pain.

Wendy, a doctor who in the face of so much agony wants you to MEDITATE? oh please, what a quack.

Would you PLEASE find someone serious who treats pain seriously and aggressively.
I can't believe you get only one Dilaudid a day. If needed you should get a maximum allowed for a 24 hrs! everyday!
f0r as long as needed!

Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and ask your hubby to stand up for you, too. I'm with you in thoughts!
gentle hugs sweetie.


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Post  Mishkyn Fri May 07, 2010 7:39 pm

Dear Wendy,
My heart is breaking for you and your family, I know your husband and boys are frantic to help you in any way.

Trouble is, we all know there are not that many ways to help us. Wendy, one dilaudid a day seems awfully minute a dose for your pain. Is it that your dr will not prescribe any more than that? Or don't you want to take anything more than that?

My current dr feels dilaudid is the best pain med, and they began developing a long acting form of it, but some jerk drank a considerable amount of alcohol while taking this new med, so they pulled it from the market. Now we are all suffering. It has been years and they still have not reformulated it.

I have a good amount of medication, but it was given to me after 36 years of too much constant pain, so it just barely takes the edge off the worst of my pain. Some of us are just too far gone to help. I have heard so many drs (including my present one) talk about h/a patients not being able to absorb meds. Along with the headaches, some chemical is secreted in the stomach that prevents meds from dissolving properly and quickly.

I think Cheryl's idea of the liquid form of morphine is a great one. I am going to ask my dr about it, too.

Wendy, you have a sister across the miles of cyberspace who thinks of you and your family often and keeps you all in her prayers, and is hurting along with you and holding your hand. I guess we both have to wait a bit longer for our miracles.
Love, Mishkyn


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Post  Mianna Tue May 11, 2010 11:07 am

Wendy....I am going to email you........keep an eye out for it, okay?

Supporting You,


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