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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Lil Bird
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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:27 am

Well on a positive note - you know have some great feeling casual sneakers. Smile

All I can say is ouch! Blisters are the worst...

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Post  milo Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:14 pm

Yes, the blisters are very bad....ugh

BUT...the sense of accomplishment I feel right now is so amazing.

I went from being a person able to complete a 10 kilometer run, to a person able to do more then a 10 kilometer run.

For people who measure their runs in miles, this hallmark tends to come at the five mile mark. It's really quite amazing.

Now I'm taking stock and thinking towards the 21 kilometer race in June.

I have a 10 kilometer race coming up May 9th. 55 thousand or more people...should be GREAT!!!

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  pen Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:01 pm

You guys are doing so well. I wish I could run. Some of the time I couldnt even go for a walk.
Running would hurt me with or without migraine. Like I cant be bumped about in the car.
I suppose it might be my neck. Idont know, but it would be great to be able to move about more.
Shift some of this weight and flab...
Well done all of you.,
Was the London Marathon rtoady, at this rate you will be ready for next year. Smile


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Post  milo Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:00 pm

Well Heeler, have you seen just how ugly running shoes are these days???

I fear there is no use for them except more running. I'll just do my shorter runs in them....the bonus is no more taking them home from work every day.

I seriously can't believe that just over three short months ago I was letting my migraines dictate if I could work out or not.

Now I know I can do it. I know, there are and will be many days that I can't but it does not appear to be slowing my progress.

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Post  HeelerLady Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:22 am

Yes I know most are rather hideous (why they think certain colors go together is beyond me - designers must be color blind). But speaking from someone who has had to endure some of the ugliest shoes on the planet (foot issues - lucky if I found one pair in the entire store that fit) - sneakers are sneakers. They go with everything. Smile Or just wear them in some extreme dirt and no one will notice. lol!

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Post  milo Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:51 pm

Oi, I guess I'm lucky to have fairly "normal" feet then.

I'm doing a charity run this weekend for the kids help phone, then have my 10 k next Sunday. It's my birthday on Sunday, so my first "real" race will be just days after my 37th birthday.

Today marks exactly two months until my big run.

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  milo Sat May 01, 2010 5:29 pm

Tomorrow is my 37th birthday, and I'll be running 14.28 kilometers. I'm hoping for a two hour period without rain. Smile

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Sat May 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Well Happy Birthday! Hope your run goes well.Smile

I actually mowed the entire lawn. So tired but now it's not bugging me! Rolling Eyes

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Post  milo Sun May 02, 2010 4:53 pm

I DID IT!!!! 14.4 kilometers...whew. Again, not gonna pretend it was easy, but I did it and I'm proud about it.

I was out running before 7:30 this morning, and I used my new GPS watch/ trainer. Pretty darn cool.

After I got back, I downloaded all the data...so neat...tells me exactly what my heartrate was, my pace and elevation. It also shows up on a google earth map and shows exactly where I ran.

This would definately be a tool to help a migrainer starting out, as you can set the watch to beep when you are outside of your target heartrate range...neat!

Now, I am almost positive that I can complete the half marathon in the 3 hour time frame. I'm pretty darn excited.

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Sun May 02, 2010 4:58 pm

So cool Milo! Was thinking about you and wondering how your run went.

I mowed lawn yesterday and am not feeling so hot tonight so I'm scratching exercise tonight. Hopefully will be better tomorrow. Smile

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Post  milo Sun May 02, 2010 5:58 pm

Heeler, you can only do what you can do. If I've learned anything from these migraines, it's that there are limits to what we can do sometime (lots of times).

You work very hard to stay active, and it's all that we can do as migraine sufferers.

Do what you can, when you can. Very Happy

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  Stillhurtin Tue May 04, 2010 8:34 pm

Day 2 of getting back into running. I have a 2 mile route. I currently run/walk it at about a 70% run 30% walk ration. In plan to dothis daily till I run the whole way (well 6 days a week not 7) I signed up for a 5k in June so I'm hittin it hard. Haven't run one for a couple years.

Anyone use the Nike chip??

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Wed May 05, 2010 8:03 am

Way to go Jess! That's awesome!

I still haven't gotten out much with the dogs. Weather has been rather limiting - come on high pressure I want you to stay for more than 24 hours. Razz

Did let the dogs out into the backyard last night for herding sessions. So I ended up with two pooped pooches. Smile

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Post  milo Fri May 07, 2010 8:00 pm

Way to go Jess! I am using the Garmin 305 forerunner which is freakin crazy-awesome. lol

I have my first race this weekend! A ten kilometer run with about 55 thousand other people. My stress level is through the roof (see misc section) and I have contemplated not running it....buit I will.

Wish me luck guys!!!!!!! I have no time goal....simply to finish. Very Happy

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  milo Sun May 09, 2010 6:56 pm

I DID IT! Yay. Was a beautiful day too. It was tough but fun. I finished quicker then I estimated, which is great. I'll have to read the paper tomorrow to see my timed results.

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Sun May 09, 2010 8:31 pm

Way to go Milo!

Afraid I didn't get to that today. Managed to figure out layout for my craft fair, took Abby to flyball and to put a long story short - ended up in the doggy ER for a good chunk of my evening. Really wanted to get out and walk but that might not be happening for a while. Both walking partners seem to have injuries at the moment. Sad

Oye...and the weather seems to be turning against me. I give up...

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Post  AngelTree Mon May 10, 2010 12:00 am

Hi all,

I haven't been following this thread too carefully, but just wanted to jump in and say thanks to Milo for thinking of this.

My pulmonologist has been strongly encouraging me to walk 30 minutes a day, and I've started walking about 20 min. twice a week but find that when I get days of migraine it's quite difficult. Lately I've been exercising with the migraine....which is......interesting. Shocked

So anyways we've been playing with my migraine meds, but am grateful to have people who understand my interesting exericise patterns and why I've never been good at group sports....



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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  milo Tue May 11, 2010 9:47 am

Yes Angel, it certainly can be tough. And it's tough finding people who understand just have difficult it really is.

I can say I have definately seen more benefits then negatives. Enough to encourage everyone who has their doctors permission to try to implement even the smallest amount into each day that it is possible.

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  Ivy Wed May 12, 2010 6:19 am

you're doing great, don't give up!
Even a minor but regular exercise can make a HUGE difference.

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  milo Fri May 14, 2010 8:07 pm

Guys I feel so bad because I have missed every run so far since my Sunday race. Partially because I was quite sore, but mostly because so much of my focus has needed to be on beating this nasty cancer monster. We spent the day in surgery today.

I'm going to run 16 km on Sunday...though I will walk if I can't make the entire 16. UGH Shocked

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  milo Mon May 17, 2010 10:19 am

I actually did it. I mean...a whole 16 kilometer (10 mile) run. My legs were verry tired at the end, but I had energy left.

I got a killer migraine afterwards.

It was the first time I actually believed that I will be able to complete this goal.

My bib from the big race says "migraines suck" instead of my name.

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Mon May 17, 2010 6:13 pm

Way to go. Smile Love the bib. Very Happy

Got out and walked the dogs today. My 3 dogs - go figure, the new dog is the best walker and now they are all sleeping and my I think I'm going to be sick. Darn weather but at least I got it in. Smile

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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  survivor Tue May 18, 2010 5:53 am

I haven't read this entire thread. I just wanted to share this.

I am not an athelete. I have never been one and surely don't see that in my future. But I did walk a LOT. My mom did not drive when we were kids and we walked everywhere.

Somehow I got in my head I was going to do the Indianapolis Mini Marathon (half marathon) before I turned 40. I ended up doing it 6 times. I would still be doing it but it always falls on prom weekend here. It is cost prohibitive, too but I am thinking i might try again next year.

I have done that darn thing with a migraine more than once. I have to say that THE worst place I have ever vomited was a port-a-pot on the track at the Speedway. It was in the 80s that day and I knew if any of the race support people saw me vomit I would be taken out. So, the port-a-pot was the only option.

One year with 3 miles to go (and no more port-a-pots) I suddenly began cramping. My IBS had kicked in.

As I said, I am not an athelete. I'm just a stubborn, middle aged woman. I walk w/ a fanny pack that has meds and snacks in it because I can't make the entire 3 hours w/out food. My goal is to do a full marathon. If I can do this anyone can. I encourage you to start trying. The experts say that if you can cover half the distance consistantly you can cover the entire distance on race day.

I never walk the full 13.1 prior to race day. I max out at about 8 miles. Seems to be all I have time and stamina for.

Keep going for it, folks!


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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  HeelerLady Tue May 18, 2010 6:22 am


Most of us aren't true "athletes". The M don't allow for that. All I can say is way to go! I'm so impressed. Smile We do what we can do when we can given our restrictions. This is the place to chart our successes and to go to when we need support (stupid M ruined a session or in my case locked me in the house for a week).

I am a walker. I now have 3 dogs and my goal is to walk for at least 30-45 minutes every day (dogs sanity = my sanity) and it helps me feel better. All of my walking buddies are back to being ready to go - one still has stitches but has been okayed for exercise and the other is cleared and new dog is the nicest walker. Smile

Also I'm going to be playing a bit of softball here and there. A family that I do flyball with plays. Their youngest daughter (is 17) has tested positive for MS and it's attacked her right eye. She's on steroids but while the swelling goes down she's blind in that eye. The dad went with me to get new dog last week and found out I used to play and asked if I could fill in while his daughter can't see. I said sure. One night a week - I think I can, just medicate and I really want to do it. I miss playing and had wanted to get involved I just never knew how to.

Welcome to our thread, survivor. Smile


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Looking for other "athletes" to support each other - Page 6 Empty Re: Looking for other "athletes" to support each other

Post  milo Tue May 18, 2010 2:54 pm

I managed my lunch hour three mile run today. Wasn't hard to do, just hard to go. My stress level is so high, I figured I really needed to make the effort.

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