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Update on my Botox injections!

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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Update on my Botox injections!

Post  4everdoll Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:24 pm

I thought I had posted an update long ago on my botox injections, but I didn't. Anyway, I did get the botox injections, all 31 of them, on Jan.17th. The shots were painful but it went quickly. I had a bad dull headache the rest of the day, not a migraine, just a headache from getting the injections all over my head, neck and shoulders. By that evening, I had no headache. The next couple of days were pain free too! Into that week, I did well, but I had a bad migraine that Thurs. and into Friday morning. I had a doctor's appointment that day, so I asked my doctor for a Demerol shot. He said he wanted to lower the dose of Demerol he usually gives me, to a lower amount and see if the botox took care of the migraine. He gave me 50mg. less in my shot, and into the afternoon that day, my pain level was about a "3", for which I used over the counter Tylenol to take care of my pain, and it actually worked. I have never gotten full relief from a Demerol shot ever, so this was all new to me, and using the over the counter Tylenol has never worked in the past for my migraine pain. I find over the past couple weeks, that the botox is really working for me. I am using the plain Tylenol whenever the pain comes on, and in most cases, it works fine. I have had many more good days, than bad, since the injections, and feel that is due to the botox. I will continue to get another set of injections every 12 weeks.  I am spending less time down in bed with ice, or on the sofa with ice, and this is really a miracle for me. My husband is just so understanding about my migraines, and he said he has noticed a big change in me since I am dealing with less migraines. I find it hard to know "how to act" every single day that I don't have a migraine. after literally 45 years of headaches!!! I think those of you that have had the botox, and getting some relief, can relate to my statement of not knowing "how to act." I do have a bad bad migraine today, but it is due to me stressing over some serious car problems that started last evening, and will most likely continue until we resolve this problem.  Sometimes we just can't control our headaches .... even if we know it is caused by stress. Now I am trying to help my husband with many chores around the house, and it feels good. I have cooked and I love it, and plan to do more. I hope those of you that are thinking about getting the botox, will go ahead and get the injections. The only side effect I have noticed is that my eyelids are dropping down some, but that is temporary and a small price to pay for getting relief from these horrible migraines. Some of you that have gotten the botox, have noticed a smoother forehead....not me. It is still wrinkled!!! Happy for those that got a "mini" facelift from the botox!!! Guess we can't all expect to get some kind of physical changes. I am happy with what botox has done for me so far. Will update as time goes on.


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Join date : 2011-09-26

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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Re: Update on my Botox injections!

Post  Kem10 Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:54 pm

So very glad to hear your good report! That is very good news indeed.  Very Happy 

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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Re: Update on my Botox injections!

Post  tortoisegirl Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:12 pm

Awesome! Thanks for sharing with us. I hope the relief continues. I'm a little troubled though that you got eyelid dropping, as that means they injected close to your eyes, and the standard migraine protocol doesn't include that. I'll be interested to find out what your doctor says about that. Did they do an injection pattern like this?


It will subside over the 3 months though. I had the effect that I wasn't able to move my eyebrows, but I don't think it was too noticeable for folks except my husband. Plus my frown lines (vertical lines between eyebrows) cleared up, which was awesome.

It didn't help my constant headache though. I kinda wish my doctor had been a believer of the try 3 rounds 3 months apart protocol though, as there is that slight possibility it would have helped on the 2nd or 3rd time.

I agree Botox is a very good treatment to try, as long as its done by a doctor who has had a lot of practice and does the injections often. With that, it has a much lower side effect profile than most of the medications we try. Additionally, you know pretty immediately if it is going to work. Best wishes.


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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Botox injection sites!

Post  4everdoll Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:32 pm

Thanks for sending me a picture of the botox injection sites that you are familiar with. All of my injection sites were in about the same areas as the website you sent to me to read. I think they probably all vary somewhat being different doctors, in different areas of the world, but all giving us similar effects from those..if we are lucky enough to get some relief, as I have. I have no complaints about anything, and do plan to get the next set in 12 weeks. I also think that if we don't get immediate, and excellent relief, that the botox needs to build up in our systems for the best possible results. What relief I got, is certainly welcome to me and my life. It has given me more good days, and less bad days down with ice in bed over and over again. I did condense this post from my original one as to make it easier for everyone to read, and less repeat of information too. Will keep you updated as time goes on.

Last edited by 4everdoll on Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : condense long post into something with same info. and more easier to read.)


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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Re: Update on my Botox injections!

Post  tortoisegirl Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:27 pm

Thanks for your description. That picture was from the manufacturer's website by the way, the FDA-approved chronic migraine Botox protocol. Doctors do deviate from that sometimes, such as to tailor the injections to where the patient's pain is, or is believed to stem from.

The itchiness sounds pretty miserable. FYI it is listed as a possible sign of an allergic reaction, so I'd keep a close eye out for any other signs, and contact your doctor. (http://www.botoxchronicmigraine.com/botox-faq/). I'm surprised if they didn't inject near your eyes you got droopy eyelids.

You may want to break your posts into multiple paragraphs as a lot of folks here have trouble reading blocks of text. Thanks! Best wishes.


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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Botox has worn off!

Post  4everdoll Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:11 pm

Five weeks after my injections, it has worn off and I am not a happy person right now. I am so sick of this nonending pain. Once again, I have no life, and that is okay cuz I don't feel like doing anything but sleeping away the hours, and that only makes my headaches worse. It seems my headaches are worse after sleeping and I don't understand that, but that is how it is with me. It is a beautiful sunny day here and I can't even get myself into the shower, get dressed and outside to enjoy the day. That's all I know right now. I will get a second set of injections when the time is up.


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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Re: Update on my Botox injections!

Post  Kem10 Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:32 pm

I'm so sorry to hear that the Botox has stopped working for now. I do agree that the migraines are often worse after sleeping for some odd reason.

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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Re: Update on my Botox injections!

Post  Mini Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:04 pm

I am so sorry that your Botox is wearing out. Let's hope that it is just a single bout of M, and that the good effect of injection has not ended yet, and will be still helping you to reduce the frequency of such episodes in the future.

Talking about spring sunshine; I find it is far too bright for me to be out on such days, in fact bright sunshine can often cause a bad attack of M for me, so I try not to go out when it is too bright.
At times I even carry an umbrella in the middle of the day during summer, in order to protect  myself from sunshine. I know it can look odd, but I don't care. I also wear hats with wide brims for the same reason.

One more thing: it does not matter if you write long, or detailed post, but many people here (including myself)  cannot read big blocks of text. So I wonder if you can just divide your posts into small paragraphs, so it is easier to read.
We like to read every word that you write, as we know how important it is to share our suffering with people who suffer with this condition, we all need each other and we like to support each other in any way we can, so keep writing.

I hope you bout of M will pass as soon as possible.

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Update on my Botox injections! Empty Re: Update on my Botox injections!

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