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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  alli Tue May 18, 2010 11:32 am

I'm off at 7am tomorrow for Texas to begin the several days of wedding festivities! yeah! So what happens? I wake up this morning with an awful migraine. I have to be at work because I am leaving for a week and need to make sure all is well before I leave.

My head hurts, the TN is also acting up so besides the migraine pain, I have crawling burning pain all over my scalp and parts of my face. It's cold and yucky so Fibro is also acting up. I have to pack, do laundry, pick up my meds... and all I want to do is crawl in bed and stay there. ARRRGH!

It would be nice to be able to go on a trip, especially one this important without all this pain!


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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  pen Tue May 18, 2010 11:44 am

I hear you Alli.. My last trip got cancelled. I just chickened out in the end with the fibro, the IBS kicked in and then of course Migraine the night before....It just makes everything so much effort doesnt it?

I hope you feel better and manage to sort everything.
Safe trip.



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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  survivor Tue May 18, 2010 11:47 am

Fingers crossed and prayers said that today improves for you, Alli. I'll think of you this week.

We leave for Michigan on Thursday morning. Wedding is Friday night.

I have all the dresses done except for a little handwork. I am hemming the grooms pants tonight.

Today I am working on my dress and the jam being used for the favors. I have 39 jars done.

I know we will both have a great time. It was wonderful in spite of the migraine when my oldest son got married. Most people didn't even know.

You can do this and enjoy it. I know you will.

Congratulations to you and your children.


an Evil Mother-in-Law.


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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  alli Tue May 18, 2010 12:12 pm

haha!!! the evil mother-in-law! I love it! Congratulations on getting all that work done!! What an amazing feat! It is a true test of the "migraine life" when we can put aside the pain and get things done for our kids.

We will both have a wonderful time. This is one of those occasions that trancends migraines.

There is no way in h*** that I am cancelling this trip! I'm going in three days early just to make sure I can acclimate a bit and be at my best for the festivities. It will be a fun fun time!

I've been stockpiling my pain meds so I have an adequate supply for the wedding. It kind of sucks when I have to choose between being in pain now or then but no one will know if I don't feel well. I can fake it pretty well when I need to and hopefully I won't need to fake and will have a pain free three days.

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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  Paradox Tue May 18, 2010 1:10 pm

I started "stock piling" today. Had a stressful "bachelorette" weekend and bad weather today, so I have a pounder.

I just want this to be over with!!!!

I fear I'm not being a very good mother.

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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  alli Tue May 18, 2010 1:48 pm

It would be nice if the weather would cooperate with our wedding plans! It is sucky weather here today and it is in the 90's and humid in Texas. I do a bit better in the heat so I hope that it works this time. My head is just pounding and the nausea is kicking in.

I'm out of my office in 15 min. then it's off to the pharmacy, the store, and then home to pack. I think my suite has a washer and dryer so I may be taking my laundry with me! Razz Then I can sleep a bit and let my head rest.

I'll post pictures as I can.


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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  CluelessKitty Tue May 18, 2010 2:04 pm

I wish you the time will fly so fast so you won't even know when the nightmare of preparing with a M (and M itself)
will be over, and you safely resting in bed in Texas!

Have a great time with your family at the wedding!


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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  HeelerLady Tue May 18, 2010 2:26 pm

Have a great time and hope you feel well. Smile

Let us know how it goes when you get back. Very Happy

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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  tecky Tue May 18, 2010 2:30 pm

I'll be thinking of you both Alli and Mary, and praying you are as pain free as possible and are able to enjoy every minute of the festivities. Don't sweat the small stuff. Take care and drive safely. Have a wonderful time. flower

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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  survivor Wed May 19, 2010 6:40 am

Alli, I am thinking of you and praying for you today.

I made 67 jars of jam yesterday and sewed. I still have a little hand work to do and the hem (by machine) to put in my skirt.

Today I am going to take the extra stuff out of my Exploder, pick up some things at Hell-mart and get my nails done.

It is a 6 hour drive so I am not worried about handworks. I can do that in the car.

I hope everyone's weddings go well.



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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  Ivy Wed May 19, 2010 6:47 am

The date is coming!!!
I wish you a wonderful day, it will unforgettable!

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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  HeelerLady Wed May 19, 2010 7:02 am

survivor wrote:Today I am going to take the extra stuff out of my Exploder, pick up some things at Hell-mart and get my nails done.

Mary - you crack me up. Exploder, and Hell-mart. Twisted Evil Thanks for the smile, I think my meds are playing hell with me and making me miserable and needed a smile. Bless you. Smile

Hope your trip goes well, you get all that you need to get accomplished done and enjoy yourself. Smile


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Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!! Empty Re: Leaving Tomorrow for Texas!!!

Post  Cathy Wed May 19, 2010 11:32 am

Alli - Good for you for not letting the pain stop you! You go girl!!! I hope it all works out well for you and everything comes together and you have a great day.

I remember one time I went to Florida with my kids and I was throwing up into a grocery bag from a migraine while riding the parking lot shuttle to get on the plane. The other riders were looking at me and I was choking out that I was not contagious! I'm sure we all have stories like that and we just keep going and not letting these stupid headaches destroy our lives. Have a fantastic time!


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