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I feel so good! Sort of....

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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  alli Mon May 03, 2010 10:10 am

It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend in CA and I was so darn productive! I'm proud of myself! (little pat on the back!) I steam cleaned my carpets, which was a heck of a job.

Took a 1 1/2 mile walk to the Garden Center for deer netting which Iput up from my patio fence to the balcony above me so my cats can have access to the patio without me worrying about where they are. Or my rule ruled Apt mMnager getting on me about my cats being outside. Who EVER heard of getting scolded by someone because your cats are outside??? They're CATS for god's sake! Anyway, now they can go on the patio, sit on the fence and enjoy the fresh air, and I don't have to listen to Wilhemina meowing incessantly to let her out. Razz

So today I am sore, have another migraine but it was so worth it! My carpets look great and my cats are happy. All is good.


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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  Kate Mon May 03, 2010 10:32 am

Sounds like your landlord had nothing better to do. We had crappy weather all weekend so I`m doing some outdoor things today and unfortunately, I still have a m.


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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  Cindy*W Mon May 03, 2010 7:51 pm


Whatever you are taking, send a little my way!

God only knows how badly my house needs me to have a few productive days!

I am so glad you had a really good day.

How that lifts ones spirits.

Especially folks in our situation.

Thanks for sharing.


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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  Ivy Tue May 04, 2010 3:11 am

Good days are such a blessing!
It's incredible what we can do when our head behave well. We become hard workers and we are even happy to work hard Smile

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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  estre004 Tue May 04, 2010 7:13 am

I had a migraine Sunday and couldn't shake it until around 8:30 at night at which time I became the energized bunny out planting herbs in the dark, cleaning my house. I wanted to stay up for hours but had to get to bed because of work in the morning. The "one" thing good about migraines for me is that when they break I am on cloud nine, almost euphoria.


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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  CluelessKitty Tue May 04, 2010 8:46 pm

belated congrats on your good days !

I've heard that in certain places cats are actually not allowed outside anymore unless they are on leash :/
It's bewildering to me, too - like you've said, they are cats!
but, looks like society becomes a bit crazed when it comes to pets nowadays.
dogs are hardly allowed off leash anymore, and cats are to be confined inside.
Evil or Very Mad


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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  Stillhurtin Tue May 04, 2010 9:21 pm

That's great to hear Alli Smile you deserve a good day.. U have your share of tough ones Sad Sad
here's to many more in your near future Smile sunny

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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty I feel so good sort of

Post  dizzyflower Wed May 05, 2010 7:42 am

Well done onthe carpets! The last carpet cleaning I did was one spot where the printer leaked, took two days, just on one spot, but we got it.

i don't think keeping the cats in would go very well in my village. If you arrive without a cat, you get offered one within a few weeks. There are only three houses in my road that don't have cats, so you couldn't keep them in. Some people have 5 cats in tiny cottages. I dont know how they would cope.

Hope your M goes away quickly.



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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  alli Wed May 05, 2010 9:30 am

The brilliantly intelligent female, Wilhemina, took all one two days to find a place to break through. I took my daily nap and when I went to check on the cats, Covey was there but Willie wasn't. I looked around and there she was, sunning herself on the neighbors fence. Jeez! At least she didn't run away when I went to get her.

So two more layers of deer netting, nice and loose so she can't pop it off, and she is now properly trapped!

Now if the migraine would just go away, Ii'd be really happy. It's is day 4 of this round of daily attacks. Woke up this morning and it was all I could do to drag myself into work. Can you tell how hard I am working right now? Smile

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I feel so good!  Sort of.... Empty Re: I feel so good! Sort of....

Post  Paradox Wed May 05, 2010 11:50 am

My kitty SO wants to be an outside cat. She snuck out the doggy door twice and each time presented me with a dead baby bunny.

I just worry about her with the coyotes, though I'm told that's not much of a problem if you keep the kitties in at night.

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