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New Injury, Sort Of

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty New Injury, Sort Of

Post  AZgirl Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:06 am

I have been dealing with torn MCLs in both knees, diagnosed last Thursday. I have been speed walking 2 miles a day for the last 3 or 4 weeks, with short bursts of jogging mixed in, training to walk/jog a 5K on January 1. It's all part of my master plan to get into tip-top shape for my upcoming 40th birthday in 2010.

Well, my knees started hurting about 2 weeks ago while I was walking (so I donned one of my knee braces "just in case" an injury was next), and I would be fine during the rest of my daily activities, then it progressed to where my knees hurt all the time, and that worsened into not being able to bear weight on my left knee Thursday morning. Out came the crutches from past knee injuries and surgeries and off I went to the general practioner, who diagnosed me with torn MCLs.

Needless to say, I haven't speed walked or done any exercising for a week now, and I don't see being able to resume my walking for at least another week.

I've had knee problems for years, so this is just another incident in the track record.

However, this really discourages me. I'm falling into a "why me" spiral.

This comes on the heals of a 5 or 6 day super bad migraine spell, which required a trip to the neuro for a toradol shot and then a few days later the start of a steroid pack (I had to cancel a Girl Scout meeting which really bummed me out because I knew it disappointed the girls). A few months ago it was surgery for tennis elbow followed by physical therapy to regain strength.

So here I was trying to do something good (get exercise, do something healthy, set a good example for my daughters) and I wound up getting injured, and now I lost motivation. It just seems like I can't win.

My daughters and I were going to participate in a 1.2k race on Dec 12, and then a 5k on Jan 1. We can kiss those good bye.

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  moominamy Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:50 am

Sorry to hear about your knees. I've damaged both in the past so am very wary of injuring them again. It can be so disabling. I hope they mend soon.


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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  tecky Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:40 am

I'm so sorry about your knees. That's so discouraging.

Did the doctor say what they could do to help you? Do they require surgery?

I admire your goal of running a marathon with your daughters. That is so neat. I hope the doctor can help get your knees back to a point where you can continue with your plans, if not this marathon, maybe one further down the road.

Hang in there.


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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  CluelessKitty Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:33 am

awwwww, so sorry about that. maybe this is only because you've started something new, and it will pass once you get into form? I certainly hope so.
I am so sorry I can't help you any better but offer hugs, hugs and more hugs...


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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Another

Post  Paradox Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:13 am

Don't ya just hate it. I felt like I was kicked when I down and I'm sure you do also.

I start "water walking" tomorrow (are agnostics able to do that?), to help with my lower back.

Charlotte (aka Joan)

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  AZgirl Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:47 am

Thanks, I'm not any better.

I can see this is going to take a few weeks to heal. I thought I'd be better by now. However, I do notice a difference in resting and taking Aleve. I guess I'll just have to stay off my feet as much as possible (easier said than done).

I am going the "online shopping" route and placing my Christmas orders online instead of actually going shopping, which kind of takes the fun out of it for me. Oh well. More time to spend on the Facebook games I guess, right?

Thanks for the kind words.

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  ajr Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:15 pm

I know how you feel - I fractured my tibia when I tried to "jog" this past summer - and it was barely even a jog. I couldn't walk on it for about 4 weeks and I was really bummed out too. I thought the same as you - here I was trying to do something "healthy" and that's what I got for doing that! I will never try to jog again.

I am so sorry you have been having all those medical troubles. One of these days, something has to change for the better!

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  Olee Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:14 am

Sorry to hear about the injury. It's so important not to push it too early, you can damage any healing that occurs and that can cause a huge setback. Proper therapy and movement to build strength and prevent atrophy of the surrounding muscles is important but nothing too severe that harms the injured area. Here's hoping for a quick recovery for ya.

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  AZgirl Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:27 am

Thanks once again, everyone.

I am actually feeling much better. The pain has subsided a lot, and I am getting around without the crutches. I have just the knee brace. I am doing straight leg lifts for strengthening, and not looking at doing any speed walking any time soon. I don't want to do any more damage. I'm still slower than most, but I am encouraged that I am healing.

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New Injury, Sort Of Empty Re: New Injury, Sort Of

Post  Paradox Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:32 am

Glad to hear it! Thanks for keeping us updated!


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