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Cannabis and migraines, again

charmed quark
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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  charmed quark Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:24 pm

Since our state's medical marijuana program got going, I've really been able to test how different strains impact my migraines.  I've mostly been looking at cannabis as a preventative, not to treat the migraine once it happens.

What I've discovered is that cannabis high in the non-psychoactive CBD is very bad for me, triggering headaches and migraines. A number of other migraine patients have told me the same. This is the component you've maybe heard about used to treat intractable childhood seizures. "Charlottes Web" is the most famous very high CBD strain.

And that some strains, if you use them, say, before bed, often trigger a rebound migraine the next morning.

What seems to really, really work for me are hybrid strains that are indica dominant (those tend to make you sleepy), low in CBD and high in CBG (another non-psychoactive cannabinoid). CBG at about 1% to 1.5%.

Strains like this have turned out to be fantastic for my migraines. No side effects, just reduction of my pain and spasticity from my stenosis problems and elimination of my migraines. Great to use in the evening before bed, helps with sleeping, too.

But my problem has been that I don't like vaporizing cannabis every day. I'm just not into being "high" every evening. So I would go 2 days or more without using and start getting migraines again.

So the other great discovery is that I can use topical cannabis creams as part of my migraine prevention. I have to rub a small amount on the back of my neck whenever I feel it start tightening up and getting "crunchy". If I do nothing, this will eventually turn into a migraine.

So I rub the cannabis extract cream on the back of my neck 3 times a day, most days, and vaporize cannabis of the right cannabinoid profile every other day or so.

With this combo I have been migraine free for the longest stretch in my life since I started getting them nearly 30 years ago (knock wood)

That's pretty much all I know on the subject. It took me nearly 3 years of trial and error.

Here's a new study on marijuana decreasing the number of migraines: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26749285

charmed quark

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Join date : 2009-12-23

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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Re: Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  tortoisegirl Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:58 am

Thanks for sharing--so glad you have found something helpful! Cannabis is something I still haven't tried, even though its legal here in Washington. The main issue is employment, as there still aren't protections against firing of employees using cannabis, even using it for only medical uses. Its pretty crazy we can pass a drug test when we have a verified opioid prescription, but not the same with cannabis.

My other issue is that I have an opioid contract through my pain clinic and they do UAs. It a backup plan for me if I can no longer get opioids. Hopefully the employment drug test issue is fixed in the coming years. Best wishes.


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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Re: Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  charmed quark Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:53 am

It's even more ridiculous in your state, where recreational marijuana is legal.

My state has some protection for employees written into the law but they haven't been tested in the courts. And, of course, if your employer is the federal government or does contracts with the feds, all bets are off.

It's a shame in my case, I probably had to go out on disability earlier than I would have if I could have used cannabis while employed

charmed quark

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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Re: Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  sailingmuffin Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:09 pm


Very interesting! I'm just beginning to consider looking into the whole cannabis/medical marijuana issue. Unfortunately, I live in a state where it is completely illegal. (They have passed a few laws in the state allowing for the medical use of cannabis to children with intractable seizures, but have not expanded it.)

I'm glad you have found something to help. If I could try it, I would. I think it should be considered an option and I think it can't be any worse than half the preventatives and abortives used to treat migraine and there is enough evidence to back it up. This is more than I can say for most migraine treatments.

Keep us posted

Pain free days,

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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Re: Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  Cathy Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:42 pm

I'm just wondering what state you live in, charmed quark. I'm in Pennsylvania where they passed a watered down medical marijuana bill that won't be much help to anyone. I'm considering moving to a state where I can get the help I need and can't get in PA. There are lots of people leaving this state to move to states with better laws where they can be treated.

If I ever move out of this state, I will refer back to your experience in deciding what to try first. Until then I'll live on opioids. We can get help for opioid addiction, but not the alternative of medical marijuana. So sad.

I'm so happy for you that you've worked out a program to help you.


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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Hello and thanks for your insight

Post  nutrahemp4u Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:39 am

Hello everybody,
  I'm new to your page and relatively new to CBD and hemp. Since moving to Woodland Park, CO. My wife got a job with a company that's been making hemp paste for 5 years and I've since gotten involved as well as an Independent Distributor with them. We've both learned a lot, but are still constantly learning about the benefits of taking CBD. My wife has daily opportunities to speak with customers and hear how they've benefited since they've started using CBD products.
  I was actually drawn to your site while researching for a family member and looking for personal testimonies about migraine relief after taking CBD products. It's very interesting to read and realize that folks are always searching for natural alternatives, rather than pharmaceuticals. The company began selling their product on Canna International, Holden's Hope and Hemp Paste which some of you may be familiar. All of these sites are now being redirected to www,mynutraceuticals.com where all of the products are in the online store now.
  Our product is different from other CBD oil extracts because we don't extract, but rather grind the entire plant to a flour consistency and add MCT and Vegetable Glycerin to make the paste. I realize I can't post links for 7 days, but if you'd like more information, maybe you can give me your contact info here and I'll reach out to you. I also have a Facebook page nutrahemp4u if you wan to join.



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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Beware there is a spammer posting here

Post  Mini Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:54 am

Spammers are not welcome here, so sell you wares somewhere else.

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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty My apologies

Post  nutrahemp4u Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:11 pm

My apologies, it wasn't my intention to spam anyone. I had simply noticed in previous post that some people linked product sites they had used so people could check it out. Sorry for the issue and have a nice day!


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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Re: Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  Mini Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:36 am

Thank you for your apologies. If you are a genuine Migraine sufferer you are most welcome here,  and we will try to be of help whenever possible, but when we hear about selling of products in the first post from  anyone, this  usually means that we are dealing with a Spammer.
I suppose  only time will show what  will happen in your case.

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Cannabis and migraines, again Empty Re: Cannabis and migraines, again

Post  lorente Thu May 25, 2017 11:00 am

Mini, how is it going with cannabis? I live in a state whose medical marijuana laws are a joke, even for cancer patients, which I am, so I am experimenting with some mj I had on hand. I have to smoke almost every other day for it to be effective, and I really don't like being high every night before I go to sleep. But I'm willing to do it if it means I can have more pain-free days. I did some research, and I've placed an "order" for higher CBD Indica/Sativa strains that have been rated highly for migraine prevention. I will post after I have some experience with them.

Do you mind posting what kind of cannabis cream you use? I'd like to try it. Thank you for all your info. Very helpful and appreciated.


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Join date : 2014-02-22

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