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My Move Back To Costa Rica

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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  Jeff2014 Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:13 pm

Hey Everybody,

i wanted to give another update. After about 9 months in Hawaii it was clear to me that my health had been better in Costa Rica. I ended up moving back to Costa Rica near the end of June. Ciao,

Jeff Basketball


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Re: My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  Cathy Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:41 am

Sorry to hear that, Jeff. Was it just the weather, or other differences. I have always wanted to see Hawaii. It looks so beautiful.

I hope you're doing better.



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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Living in Costa Rica

Post  Jeff2014 Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:33 pm

I don't know why my health is better in Costa Rica, but I assume it has to do something with the climate. I am in less pain, have lots more energy, and I am less depressed. I wish I moved here when I was 19. Bye Basketball


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Re: My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  lorente Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:26 pm

You must be very happy to have figured that out and been able to make the move. Good for you. Congratulations, and may your health continue.


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Hi

Post  Jeff2014 Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:13 pm

Thanks Lorente!!!



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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Re: My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  ConcordGrape Sun May 29, 2016 6:25 pm

Hi Jeff,
I know we had briefly discussed this before but do you think it could have to do with sun exposure?


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Hi

Post  Jeff2014 Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:32 pm

Hi Concord Grape,

I don't think it had anything to do with sun exposure. The weather in Hawaii was really great. It was almost always sunny. It was typically about 5 degrees hotter per day than San Jose, Costa Rica. Costa Rica is quite a bit closer to the equator than Honolulu. San Jose also has an altitude of 1000 meters of above sea level. There is a town in Costa Rica with an altitude of 1500 meters. I may stay there for a little while and see if I feel better. Fatigue is a bigger problem for me these days than headache pain. Thanks,



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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Re: My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  ConcordGrape Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:43 am

Hey Jeff,
I think altitude is a big factor. When I lived at 4000 ft in Montana my headaches were significantly better than when I've lived at sea level. Of course it's hard to tell if the improvement is due to just altitude, but I might try moving somewhere out west again and see if my headaches improve. I'm glad Costa Rica works for you, and I'd be curious to know if there are any changes when you move to 1500 meters.


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Re: My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  cinder888 Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:59 am

Have you tracked your migraine triggers? and have you considered barometric pressure changes/swings as a possibility?


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Headaches at Higher Altitude

Post  Jeff2014 Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:56 pm

I spent a month in Medillen, Colombia and my headaches were significantly worse. To compare the altitude of Medillen is 1500 meters above sea level compared to 1000 meters for San Jose, Costa Rica and Cali, Colombia. I was told the air quality was poor there, and I wonder if that had something to do with it. I headaches were also terrible in Los Angeles which is notorious for smog.

As far as triggers go I have New Daily Persistent Headache which feels like a tension headache rather than a migraine. I have been in pain 24 hours a day since 1998. I don't have triggers like most migraine patients.


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My Move Back To Costa Rica Empty Re: My Move Back To Costa Rica

Post  ConcordGrape Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:59 pm

Hi Jeff,
Thanks for sharing. I haven't checked this site in over a year but got an alert about your reply. I did end up moving west and am now in Colorado, living at 6000'. My migraines are generally better here, but it may be more related to pollution rather than altitude. Montana was probably the least polluted place I ever lived, and here the air quality is significantly better than where I was before (Boston). I know this because I also have asthma and its severity fluctuates with pollution levels, and it has improved significantly as well since I moved here and became adjusted to the altitude. I hope your current locale is giving you some relief!


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