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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc. Empty Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

Post  blinky58 Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:13 pm

Hi everyone, I am new to this board and looking forward to learning from you all. I have had migraines for 40 years. For prevention I take Epival, Gabapentin, Topamax and Vitamin B2. As soon as I feel the slightest hint of an impending one, I take Zomig plus Celebrex. I get 3 a week, but now I can stop them in their tracks.
However, today I woke up with a terrible one that had already taken hold. Along with the pain was frequent vomiting and diarrhea. This meant that any pills were thrown up, and Gravol suppositories would not stay in. During this ordeal, it occurred to me that there may be some form of painkiller and antiemetic which is in the form of a patch, a nasal spray or injectable. Just having that on hand reduces the anxiety of suffering like this again. Does anyone know of such products? I live in Canada.
I wish everyone here a happy Canada Day or July 4. And to everyone here, a peaceful painfree weekend.


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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc. Empty Re: Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

Post  Kem10 Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:47 am

The only thing I know of that is over the counter and easy to have on hand is peppermint oil. I use it all over my head and also to rub on my abdomen for cramps. It helps a lot with both the migraine pain and an upset, crampy middle. Will not take the migraine away but will reduce it slightly and be comforting. I find that sometimes, used at the very beginning of a migraine it will ward it off but it will be of some help even for a full blown migraine.

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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc. Empty Rr: Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

Post  micheletroyer Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:05 pm

I use Salon Pas patches.  They don't do away with the migraine, but the tingling/cooling sensation provides some distraction.  You can get these at pharmacies in the US.  Don't know about Canada.  The active ingredients are menthol, camphor and methyl salicylate (don't use if you're allergic to aspirin).  You can use them up to 4 times daily, for a duration of no more than 8 hours for one patch.  I usually stop getting relief from the patch after about 4 hours, so then I pull off the patch, and put another one on once my skin has calmed down.  

I use mine on the inner aspect of the upper eyelid and extending up onto my forehead (over the eyebrow), or on the temple next to my right eye.  The only side effects that I have noticed are a bit of redness after taking off a patch, which goes away within 15 minutes, and the loss of a few eyebrows (not nearly as many as you would think).  Smile 


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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc. Empty Re: Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

Post  Seaine Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:26 pm

I have taken Zofran before for vomiting which is available in a dissolvable form.

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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc. Empty Re: Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

Post  Brenda L. Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:44 pm

Patch, nasal sprays and injectables are all available, at least in USA.

Patch: Fentanyl patch
Nasal Sprays: DHE-45 (Migrainol), Imitrex, Stadol
Injectables: DHE-45, Imitrex, various opiates
Suppositories: Phenergan (for nausea), various opiates, Cafergot
Sublingual meds also are available---triptans, etc.

Just a partial list. In 25 years, I've tried them all.

Good luck and hope you find something that works for you.

Brenda L.

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Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc. Empty Re: Meds which are not swallowed.....patches, injectables etc.

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