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Migraine or not???

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Migraine or not??? Empty Migraine or not???

Post  emma123 Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:59 pm

Hi there, can anyone help.
I have a throbbing pain on right side of head, at temple and behind eye. I feel sick and have been sick. Movement and noise make it much worse. And I feel dizzy when up and about.
I have had this for 2 days already and now into day 3, and have spent last 2 days in bed.


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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  Mule Kick Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:20 am

Sounds like a migraine, to me.

But only a medical professional can diagnose you properly.
Mule Kick
Mule Kick

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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  ZomigMan Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:36 pm

Location in head, one side, length of time and intensity... all point to being migraines. Added symptoms would point to MAV as well (Migraine-Associated Vertigo), which is what I have.

My advice is to take responsibility for your own health and proceed from there. See a GP or neuro specialist, and get an Rx for triptans (Imitrex, Zomig, etc.) to get rid of the migraines. Medical professionals also make mis-diagnoses, as in my case, I was not properly diagnosed with migraines by a series of licensed, educated, certified, and qualified professional medical experts until I was age 45.

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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  Platypus Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:02 pm

If you have PPO health insurance or no insurance, do some research and find a neurologist in your area who is a headache specialist. If you have HMO insurance do the same and ask your PCP for a referral to that doctor. If your locale has an active yelp community, check reviews. Over at mdjunction.com the ndph forum has doctor reviews, check that.

You're definitely experiencing migraine symptoms, and if they continue you don't want to suffer more than you have to. Find a neurologist who is a headache specialist -- preferably the top dog in your area.

Good luck,


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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  emma123 Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:21 pm

I don't have insurance, I'm in the uk. I will see my doctor on Monday morning!
The symptoms eased today, but are worsening again


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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  tortoisegirl Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:36 pm

Sorry you are suffering. Agreed its probably a migraine. However, since you are currently having the pain & symptoms and it is your first time, I would get in with any doctor you can see soon. Either your primary care doctor on Monday, or an urgent care center this weekend.

It varies person to person on how long a migraine will last if it plays out on its own...anywhere from hours to days. There are definitely some medications that can be tried though. A Triptan such as Imitrex is likely what they will try first for the migraine symptoms, plus maybe something for nausea.

But you may also want to make an appointment with a headache specialist for later. You will likely need a referral for from your primary doctor for it anyways. Its too soon to tell if this could be an isolated incident or you will start getting them frequently. How old are you if you don't mind? Hope it subsides soon.


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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  emma123 Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:55 pm

I'm 33


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Migraine or not??? Empty Re: Migraine or not???

Post  ZomigMan Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:43 pm

OK, as you are in the UK (Europe), you may as well ignore all of our stupid American insurance and doctor/specialist advice. See your doctor under your National Health Service plan (which is free in the UK) and go from there. The migraine treatment is generally the same in the UK as here (usually treated with triptans), and I get my Zomig Rx filled in the UK, actually. They may do other tests to rule out other possible causes of the headaches, like a brain scan.

The other question to ask of course is have you had these kind of headaches before, or is this a new symptom? Also are you taking anything like MAOI Rx drugs that could result in the onset of migraines?

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