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How are we doing weather wise?

Mule Kick
Billy Ray
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How are we doing weather wise? Empty How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Fri May 21, 2010 8:04 am

Spring seems to finally have sprung here in England. The sun is out, the sky is blue.
But it is already humid....we do have a lot of that here...
I have endured much higher temperatures in the US because of the lack of humidity.
Also it doesn't cool down at night at all, well not much anyway.
So it is lovely to see the sun at last, but my head has not been good this week.

How are the elements where you are?
I know some of you prefer it to be cold.

We are forecast a hot week end and then possibly thunder storms....great


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  Ivy Fri May 21, 2010 8:17 am

same continent, same boat No
Since last Sunday, I've been painfree only yesterday Sad
And it seems that from tomorrow the temps will raise even further.

I have piled up cafergot and paracetamol to face the week-end...

Hang in there

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Fri May 21, 2010 8:24 am

I know Ivy, I thought of you. l love to see the sun, especially after the long grey winter, but the humidity.
And the AC went out on the car, its unbearable.

I have had a lousy week migraine 3 days and un explained upset stomach.
I guess that could be the weather change too.
Does it always have to be so SUDDEN!!!!

Go easy on that med now... Smile


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  lesherb Fri May 21, 2010 1:02 pm

Well, Pen, it's hovering at 90° here (that's 32.22°C for you Europeans). The humidity is 70%, which is not too awful for Florida. I'm in the air conditioning of my house but I don't think the house was built all that well. I am sure we have hot air seeping in from many places which makes the a/c not so efficient.

Is your son still here in my state?

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Post  pen Fri May 21, 2010 1:19 pm

Hi Leslie, yes they are in Orlando until Sunday and then in to, I think Sarasota or somewhere.....
He left us some nice weather. They go because his wife is a sun worshipper.....not my idea of fun with a 3 year old and a 6 month old, but what do I know???

I wish we had Air Con. No houses in England really have it, but these days it would be a good idea especially at night.
Our car is awful without it.

I remember going to Vegas and not realising how hot it was. Until we got out of the car, I about fainted.....
Our humidity here is 64% and its 8.30pm and still 70 degrees f.

More to come for the week end.


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  lesherb Fri May 21, 2010 1:27 pm

I sleep with a small desktop fan blowing on me all night (in addition to the a/c). I like the noise and the air movement. I am constantly perspiring which I am sure has to do with my age....even though I am not close to menopause (going by the regularity of my monthly visitor....sorry to the men here).

My husband will sometimes stand next to me and notice the heat emanating from my body!

I'm hot stuff! lol!

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  theresae Fri May 21, 2010 1:48 pm

Humid heavy weather today and i have had a bad head all day, also have runny itchy nose, itchy eyes and feel listless, not had a great week all in all,

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  AZgirl Fri May 21, 2010 1:54 pm

We're going to see our first 100 (f) degree day today. Unusually late in the season for us. Then it's going to dip down into the 90s again. Thankfully. The heat increases my head pain.

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Fri May 21, 2010 2:02 pm

lesherb wrote: which I am sure has to do with my age....even though I am not close to menopause (going by the regularity of my monthly visitor....sorry to the men here).
My husband will sometimes stand next to me and notice the heat emanating from my body!
I'm hot stuff! lol!

Sounds as if you might be a bit close Leslie... Laughing


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  lesherb Fri May 21, 2010 2:15 pm

I sure hope I am close! My mother was in her mid 50s and my sister had a bone marrow transplant and still didn't go into it until her late 50s! We're much too fertile! (remember, I am 49 and holding....forever....I won't be in my 50s, ever!)

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  Guest Fri May 21, 2010 10:51 pm

some sun, some rain, some violent thunderstorms.

all depends on what way the wind blows around the great lakes.

pressure changes triggger migraines and aches.

slowly warming into the 70's. some rain showers.


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  Billy Ray Sat May 22, 2010 10:40 am

Getting hot here. Have had lots of rain so very green. Very nice out. Today they say it will get into the low 90s. Will sure make the corn grow. My crops look great. Corn was planted early and is about a foot tall which is way ahead. Lily is now using her new groom room we just built -- really is nice. Just a wonderful spring so far but with all the rain we had and now getting hot we are watching out for the tornadoes. Hope everyone has it this nice.
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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  tecky Sun May 23, 2010 7:38 pm

lesherb wrote:My husband will sometimes stand next to me and notice the heat emanating from my body!

I'm hot stuff! lol!

Oh, Leslie, you ARE hot stuff! lol! I just love your sense of humor--it really brightens my day. flower

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  Mule Kick Sun May 23, 2010 8:10 pm

Right now it is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit at about 7 PM. Just a little bit ago we had some sort of frozen percipitation, white things, coming down.
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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Mon May 24, 2010 7:41 am

We too have had white things coming down. Not frozen though....aphids....


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  tecky Mon May 24, 2010 8:27 am

We had white stuff coming down yesterday too--the cottonwood fluff. Our neighbors' cattle pen was covered in white. It looked like there was a couple of inches of snow. The air was filled with the cotton fluffs blowing every which way. It sticks to you and gets into your nose when you breath. It was everywhere.

But, that's all been taken care of today. It rained heavy all night and is very windy today, so hopefully the fluff is either all washed or blown off the cottonwoods. flower

Last edited by tecky on Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : correct spelling/typo)

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Mon May 24, 2010 8:35 am

Tough call....cotton, aphids or snow....
Hmm, not sure... cheers


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  HeelerLady Mon May 24, 2010 9:47 am

I'll take the snow. My head is not liking the hot and humid weather that has descended on me.

One of those just shoot me days and there's a massive low approaching. Ugh.

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  Mule Kick Mon May 24, 2010 3:59 pm

This morning we had hail. When I looked at the thermometer, on our porch, at about 2 PM it read about 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Now an hour later it is still holding at 44 or 45 degrees F.
Mule Kick
Mule Kick

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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Mon May 24, 2010 5:49 pm

I am hoping for some sleep tonight, it is down to 55 f. I dont know what it was last night, but it was hot and humid.
Or as my dad would have said "close".

We have a slightly cooler day tomorrow.
Its awful to wait for spring to come and then get hit my 3 days midsummer.
Next back to cold again. In England this always happens. We long for some sunshine, and then it is too much too suddenly and we long for it to cool down....


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  pen Tue May 25, 2010 11:07 am

Just had this sent to me......



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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  estre004 Tue May 25, 2010 11:41 am

Yesterday it was I think 97 with a heat index of over a 100. High humidity also. I think the low last night was in the 70's. This is unusual for us here this time of year (Minnesota). Will only be close to 90 today. I love it when I am on the water but I was working in my yard all day yesterday so it was a bit steamy. Almost went in my pool but the water was still very cold in it. I actually started getting a migraine late in the day because of it which I never never do (they always come upon awakening). It was an easy one to abort though. Flowers, yards, everything is absolutely beautiful this spring (summer).


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Weather

Post  Shiela Stewart Sat May 29, 2010 11:07 pm

Excuse me if this posts twice. I don't know what happened but it dissapeared on me and so i decided to do another post.

Rain, rain and more rain. I think in all of May we've had four days of sun and two of those were cool. It's been raining since thursday and they're calling for snow tonight and tomorrow. Seriously!! Snow !!! I am so sick of the rain.

But so far, knock on wood, the rain has not made my migraines worse. My fibro on the otherhand has not been so nice. My body is killing me all the time.

Anyone sick of their sunshine, please send it to me. I'll be glad to take it. Smile
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Post  CluelessKitty Sun May 30, 2010 12:40 am

rain, too, am sick of it. can't enjoy my garden at, least to work in there!


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How are we doing weather wise? Empty Re: How are we doing weather wise?

Post  HeelerLady Sun May 30, 2010 6:41 am


You can have mine just be forewarned that there's a lot of humidity that comes with it. My head does not like the heat.

I'm ready for the weather to stabilize. We have so many weird low fronts coming through and hanging around. My head is just miserable.


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