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You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Billy Ray
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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  alli Wed May 05, 2010 9:16 am

You know it's a bad migraine day when... just walking across pavement makes your head pound like a jackhammer.

Such is my morning. Walking makes my head hurt. Sad

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  Kate Wed May 05, 2010 9:31 am

I know how you feel. I`ve had one for days now and for some reason today is the worst day.


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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  Megan45 Thu May 06, 2010 8:25 pm

(((Hugs))) hope you're feeling better.

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  Billy Ray Thu May 06, 2010 9:53 pm

I sure wish some day they would find something that takes our pain away. I know what you mean about bad pain even doing simple things. Hope you have a better weekend. Take care. Billy
Billy Ray
Billy Ray

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  Ivy Fri May 07, 2010 2:53 am

I'm so sorry that you've begun the day with the monster....I began in the same day yesterday. I stand up and felt hammers bumming all over my head, nausea and dizziness.
Today it's better anyway, so I hope that you feel better soon, too

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  Almostangela Fri May 07, 2010 8:15 am

You know its a bad migraine......

....when coworkers are talking to you, and you can't comprehend right away what they are talking about. Then when you try to respond, your words are mixed up or missing and you cant' explain the simpilist thing.


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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  HeelerLady Fri May 07, 2010 9:10 am

Almostangela wrote:You know its a bad migraine......

....when coworkers are talking to you, and you can't comprehend right away what they are talking about. Then when you try to respond, your words are mixed up or missing and you cant' explain the simpilist thing.


That's the truth...

Here's mine...

....when you wake up and the smell of the dogs makes your stomach turn. They aren't stinky dogs but my sense of smell just goes into hyper-drive.


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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  alli Fri May 07, 2010 10:00 am

Angela.... I just hate that part of the attack. Ask me a question and I can't find the freakin word I am looking for. I thound tho intelligent cauthe in addition to that, I thlur my wordth. Smile

No I'm not drunk, stoned, high, etc... I just have a migraine.

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  HeelerLady Fri May 07, 2010 10:14 am

Alli - that's why I hide at home during these spells. That and I can be a raging B**ch with them without meaning too. I feel I am doing a public service by others not having to deal with me. Very Happy


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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  alli Fri May 07, 2010 12:05 pm

Hahahaha... me too. I can be so rude without even realizing it when I am out with a migraine. My daughter would be telling me not to be so rude! and then I have to apologize to the person who's head I just bit off.

It's best to just avoid everyone and then they all think I'm nice and sweet all the time! Razz

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  tecky Fri May 07, 2010 3:49 pm

HeelerLady wrote:Alli - that's why I hide at home during these spells. That and I can be a raging B**ch with them without meaning too. I feel I am doing a public service by others not having to deal with me. Very Happy

How true, Becky. It's like the pain changes all the brain chemicals so EVERYTHING is irritable.

I also agree with the smell. Just this afternoon my husband dropped something off at his mother's. She's a smoker. He just walked in the front door, laid down the package and walked out. His mother was not smoking. I was waiting in the vehicle. When he got back in the vehicle, I told him he smelled awful of smoke. He couldn't believe it since his mom wasn't smoking when he went in & he was only there a few seconds. Of course, I've got a migraine raging with heightened sense of smell, that explained it! But he smelled like he'd been in a smokey bar to me.

I've never noticed that my dog's smell has bothered me unless she rolled in something she wasn't supposed to or are horse cookies (her favorite delicacy).

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  HeelerLady Fri May 07, 2010 3:59 pm

tecky wrote:I've never noticed that my dog's smell has bothered me unless she rolled in something she wasn't supposed to or are horse cookies (her favorite delicacy).

well doesn't help when she lays with her butt to my head. Just something about that...and one of their rubber toys sends the nausea over the edge. Don't know why - that toy gets hidden so they can't bring it close to me.

horse cookies...made me smile. While I have a horse, they don't often go out to the barn with me and if they do - they get locked in a clean stall. Twisted Evil Their favorites though are the hoof trimmings the farrier leaves out - blech! Especially when they eat a bunch then puke it back up. Love em dearly and I suppose they could have worse habits...

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  tecky Fri May 07, 2010 4:17 pm

Yes, our dogs always loved the bits of horse hoof trimmed off.

Dolly isn't allowed to be in the neighbors horse pen, but she's a sneaky little bugger and sneaks over while I'm busy with something else so I have to go pull her out of there. I'm just thankful she stays out of the cow pies in the other pen. That would be much worse. lol!

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  HeelerLady Fri May 07, 2010 4:32 pm

LOL! When I first started boarding at my current facility - the previous owners had run cows on it. The new owners had 2 shihtzus who would roll in and eat the cow pies. Really cute little black and white dogs with spots of green. lol! I know they got bathed pretty regularly for a while.

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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

Post  alli Fri May 07, 2010 4:47 pm

Another one is coming on and oh my lord, the cat box!!!! You know the song Smelly Cat from "Friends"? Well that is my little gift from migraine h@ll. My daughter couldn't smell anything but I sure could. Ugh!

I used to tell Sarah that it was "interesting" what a migraine does to our senses but man, I could sure go with less interest!


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You know it's a bad migraine day when... Empty Re: You know it's a bad migraine day when...

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