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Injection into the occipal nerve

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Injection into the occipal nerve Empty Injection into the occipal nerve

Post  Senna Tue May 04, 2010 10:51 am

I am having my injection tomorrow in London - I had lots of problems with Ankolysing Spondylitis which has reset something in my head in the last few weeks and it was triggering more M so I've arranged to have another injection.

I had one last summer and it was great: no pain at all for few weeks, then for next few months things were not bad at all, but this winter, my other health problems (Fibro as well) were causing inflammation, triggering more frequent M again, so I decided to try to re-set the pattern.

Journey to London, could be exiting, but since I am also seing my Neuro (earlier appt) who is in different clinic in the same hospital, I will not be able to do much else, even if I hoped for a quick vistit to the British Museum, which is very near.

It leaves me frustrated, that often when I am in London nowadays I cannot quite enjoy it the way I use to, when I was in a better shape.
London is still so exciting getting better with all the street cafes in unexpected places etc. nice cheaper food, variety of places exhibitions galleries.
I could stay in Hotel overnight, but I absolutely hate hotels and my friends live just outside the the very centre, so I might just as well get back home to my own bed.

I hope injection works - it is my second one, but I am always told it is unpredicable and they cannot guarantee the same result each time. We shall see. I will let you know.



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Join date : 2010-03-27

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Injection into the occipal nerve Empty Re: Injection into the occipal nerve

Post  Cathy Tue May 04, 2010 11:14 am

I look forward to hearing how you do. I'm starting with a pain management dr. in two weeks who is a certified anesthesiologist and I think he does that kind of treatment. Someone told me about him and she's had m's for 20 years and hasn't had one for 8 months now. So it's worth a try. Never give up!


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Injection into the occipal nerve Empty had it done too

Post  Petzi Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:50 pm


I had this done in London 2 years ago. Did absolutely nothing for me. Waste of money.



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Injection into the occipal nerve Empty Re: Injection into the occipal nerve

Post  nursebeth Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:03 pm

i had multiple occipital nerve block which provided relief for varying lengths of time.

since they were successful, we proceeded with occipital radiofrequency destruction of the nerve. it was painful and it was a couple of weeks really before i started getting relief.

but since them my migraines have decreased atleast 90%.

I feel like a different person, I actually live my life now, and i'm enjoying it!

good luck with your blocks and if it's successful, i'd ask about the radiofrequency.


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