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What happens now?

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What happens now? Empty What happens now?

Post  sailingmuffin Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:23 am

Hi All,

I had the IV of Depacon yesterday. This will usually break or at least greatly diminish the migraine for me. It knocked the pain down from a solid ten to a 9.

I am still pretty miserable and I don't know what to do. Nothing I have seems to be helping. Ideally, I would gladly try another IV, but I know my neuro won't go for that. Tylenol 3 helps some, but not enough. I also know that I have to do some stuff today and I just don't want to get out of bed, though I will.

I'd love any ideas.

Pain free days,

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What happens now? Empty Steroids can help in many cases

Post  Mini Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:37 am

I am sorry in case you have already considered this, since I have not read many of your previous posts, but in the past when I had bad bouts which were difficult to break, I found that the one thing that would always work to break the bad spell of pain, was a short course of steroids like prendisone. Have you ever had tried that before. If not it is definitely worth asking yoru doctor to try this.

I am so sorry you are in so much pain sm, I hope you will be able to get some relief soon.

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What happens now? Empty Re: What happens now?

Post  chrissypalgal Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:09 am

I too was given Prendisone, it did nothing for me but thats not to say you should not try it. You may need to see another doctor, I know thats hard when you are in so much pain. I would create a list of things you have done and that did not work and give this to your doctor.

Stay strong.

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What happens now? Empty Re: What happens now?

Post  amy Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:29 am

i have also had good luck with steroids breaking my migraines. Also Migranol works for me to break a bad one.

Hope you feel better soon!

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What happens now? Empty Re: What happens now?

Post  adventuregirl Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:38 pm

Same here...steroids do knock it out for me too. I just got a pack yesterday because I had been suffering from an 8 day migraine...lucky me, a fe hours before I picked up the script, I had relief...so I'm holding onto it for when I get my next big one.

The name of the pack is METHYLPREDNISOLONE 4MG DOSPAK.

My doc also gave me Frova, which is a slower acting and milder triptan. I took two a day for 5 days...

Good luck.

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What happens now? Empty Occipital nerve injection

Post  Mini Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:46 am

Sorry, potsed twice for some reason so I delete the rest.

Last edited by Mini on Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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What happens now? Empty Occipital nerve injection

Post  Mini Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:51 am

Sorry, I was writing in a hurry last time.
What I forgot to mention is that if you have not tried this, it is definitely worth considering the option of steroid/lidocaine (or smiliar narcotic) injection directly into your occipital nerve at the base of your scull - on the side of the head which hurts most. You can haver it also on both sides at the base of the skull, if your migraine "travels" from one side to another.You can actually feel the site of the nerve in question if you press there with your fingers - it feels sore when your head hurts.

I am not sure where you are, but in UK this method of controlling migraine is used in some of our best hospitals, and found to be working well for many patients by giving long term pain relief sometimes for many weeks.
But the success of this method often depends on how well the site of injetions is picked up by the doctor and if s/he found the right spot to inject.

This also means that sometimes they make mistakes, but do not get discouraged if it did not work that firts time, it is definitely worth trying again.

IT seems that this method of injection of steroid/lidocaine directly into occipital nerve has a very good success rate, so it is worth trying, even if first time it did not work, trying again.

The only thing you must makes sure, is that the doctor who is giving the injection must have lots of practice in this procedure, otherwise he might "miss" the nerve.
in case you wonder this is an illustration where the occipital nerve is located.


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What happens now? Empty Re: What happens now?

Post  sailingmuffin Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:11 am

Hi All,

Thanks for the replies and advice. I took a course of steroids this week and it has helped. Also this was a particularly bad one and so I think it took more to knock it down.

Thanks for the advice about injections into the nerve. I have had them before and they do help. They also led to my getting an occipital nerve stimulator implanted.

Pain free days,

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What happens now? Empty Glad you are better

Post  Mini Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:14 pm

I am so glad, that you got some relief at last SM, I hope this imporvemnt will last after this bad spell lately.

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What happens now? Empty I hope you are feeling better

Post  BigShirley Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:42 am

I don't have any advice, just well wishes. cat

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What happens now? Empty Re: What happens now?

Post  huuhdse90066 Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:58 am

me too.
I can't say anything.
but best wishes for you
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