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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  DAVIEG9 Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:26 pm

I'm a 29 year old male, and used to suffer horrific 24 hour migraines from the age of about 11.
The aura would appear, i'd lose half my vision, very, very painful thumping headache accompanied with throwing up and nausea.
These used to be every 2 months or so, as i grew older and towards my late teens i'd maybe have one every 9-12mths, but they also seemed to get milder, no sickness and i'd be ok after 3-4hours.
Until about 4 months ago they were thankfully still pretty rare, but in the last 4 months i've had one every 5 weeks or so, this culminated yesterday, where i had 3, yes THREE migraines in 24 hours, and the last one was as bad as i used to get them, and i also was physically sick.
Does anyone know what could be bringing them back? I'm gutted, because i thought i'd saw the back of them.


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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  alli Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:32 pm

I'm sorry you are having these monsteers again. I'm sorry to say that Life is the culprit. Migraines are a neurological disease and sometime life changes bring them back. For me it was pregnancy. I can't say what has changed for you that is stressing your brain, but something is.

Have you seen a neurologist? YOu really need to as they are best equipped to determine if they are migraines or a sign of something else. We always tell people if something changes drastically or strangely to see your doctor asap. Don't mess around with the brain. It's the only one we got and when it acts up, finding a good treatment is really important.

There are lots of preventatives and abortives that can help. Good luck and see your doctor asap.


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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  Almostangela Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:50 pm

HI Davie

Definately a doctor is good advise under unusual circumstances. However, it could be something that you are eating. I used to be able to eat ham, hotdogs, and pizza with no problem and then one day it became a major migraine trigger and those happy days are gone. Other common triggers are cheese, wine, alcohol, chocolate, chinese food (for the msg) and processed meats. Small amounts could be doing it.

I have heard that a migraine can take up to 3 days to develop so when you get one, go back and figure out what you ate or did those days prior and see if you can find a pattern or abnormality or known trigger that you can work with.

All the best to you and good luck.


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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  LG Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:34 pm

Hi Davie,

Sorry you have to post here and you are dealing with this, but warmest welcomes to you.

My migraines have changed throughout my life so many times I can't even count anymore. They were pretty normal for a while, then they went away (!!!), then I had my daughter and they have been chronic ever since. Seeing a doctor changed my life for the better! You should look into finding a good neurologist for your care. Be a good advocate for your health and be informed.

I just wanted to let you know also that I get auras and sometimes I get them during the migraine itself. My doctor and I concider that one migraine all together because the aura is part of the one migraine even if it happens multiple times. I don't know if you are keeping a migraine journal but if you are that may help. I'd still discuss it with your doctor when you find one if you aren't under care already.

Best of luck and well health to you. I hope you feel better and you can always come here to rant or talk or share your concerns. Welcome again, you are among friends!

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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  HeelerLady Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:32 pm

Hi Davie,

You're in good company. By all means see a doctor as something is up and if for nothing else just so you can get through a day. The trigger theory, well there is something causing the brain to malfunction - could be some vague stressor too. I used to be very occasional M, then they went away, then they came back in a cycle (nasty for 2 weeks, gone for 4-6) then the cycle stalled into permanent status. I've had a migraine every day since June 2009. Some days, I can't leave the house, other days I manage to function okay - never know what each day will bring. I'm not sure how you are counting 3 migraines in one day, unless all symptoms left in-between each attack (that would so not be fun). I will say that there can be stages of the dang things and sometimes I'm at a 1, then 2, then 1, then 3....but it's all the same attack and the nasty ones can last 3 or more days.

Best wishes and welcome to the group

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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Hi there:

Post  Guest Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:01 pm

If I was in your position I would immediately go and see your doctor. Tell him exactly as you have posted here. Perhaps he/she will think of something you have not.


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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  Ivy Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:59 am

migraine changes and worsen around 30's.
I agree with the others that it's time to see a neurologist and agree the new therapies for you attacks.
In the meantime, you can keep track of your daily habits and take note of any change (food, weather, sleeping, working hours, etc.). This might be helpful to identify your possible triggers.
Take care

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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty worried

Post  rileyoday Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:09 pm

Dave, see a neuro soon.myself and some others on here suffered M when young, to have them return full time as adults. Mine started back got worse and worse till daily. Hope thats not what happens to you. See the doc.


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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  LizzieB Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:43 am

Hi Davie, welcome and sorry your migraines have returned, what a blow for you.

I agree with the others it would be a good idea to talk to someone about it soon. So many things can trigger them off, could just be your age, even the slightest stress, could be so many things and it's so hard to find out exactly what causes them sometimes.

Good luck

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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  Johnfd Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:31 am

Hi Davie, Welcome but sorry to hear you need us.

Sadly, the others are right and as we get older things just change and sometimes our migraines get better and sometimes they get worse. Hopefully this will be a short-term problem and you'll come through it. However, have a good think about anything, and I mean anything, you may have done differently or changed lately especially if these episiodes continue to see if there are any clues. Been to the dentist in the last few weeks? Changed to energy saving bulbs? Bought the girlfriend a new perfume? Taken to wearing a hat?

Definitely speak to your doctor about what's happened.

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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

Post  Kate Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:07 am

I had a constant m for 2 months straight when I was pregnant. Then I didn`t have any after that for 10-12years. Then after that, I started having them all of the time and eventually they were chronic. They definitly come back with avengence.


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Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence! Empty Re: Worried! After a long period without, my migraines have returned with avengence!

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