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Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...?

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Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...? Empty Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...?

Post  hpilgrim Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:04 pm

Well, I have a new ailment - a kidney stone. The heart doctor found it when he did my annual CT scan; it's 8mm. and apparently would be really hard to pass.

They want to do a "lithotripsy" procedure, where they use some kind of shock waves to break it up - has anyone got any experience with this??

I looked online, of course, and it sounds scary - they give you some kind of general anesthesia, and the machine delivers from 1500 to 2500 "punches" over your kidney- it's some kind of shock wave generator....

Along with the M's, I have degenerative disk disease and arthritis in my back and hips - I am wondering what 1500 blows to my kidney will do to my back? I also read that sometimes the stone isn't completely broken up, and they have to do the procedure again... (!)

If anyone knows anything about this, I would love some first hand info---
love and pain-free days,

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Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...? Empty Re: Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...?

Post  tecky Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:08 pm

I'm sorry you're having to deal with a kidney stone, Holly.

I've dealt with many kidney stones many years ago before it was found that I had hyperparathyroidism. I had to have a surgery to remove a kidney stone the size of a golf ball from my kidney in 1984, so this sounds like it would be a much less intrusive procedure.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping things go as easily as possible for you. The kidney stones are never a pleasant experience, to say the least. Please take care.

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Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...? Empty Re: Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...?

Post  Branzila143 Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:32 am

Well done for making it to work, even when you were so tired. It is so good to have these little "victories" from time to time, they make things so much more berable when the bad days come.


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Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...? Empty Re: Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...?

Post  Sara79 Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:41 pm

Everything I've heard about with the procedure is that it uses 'shock' waves like radio or microwaves. There's sensation, but it's not like a literal punch would be.

Here's what I found with a quick google search: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007113.htm


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Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...? Empty Re: Kidney Stone - anyone heard of this scary treatment...?

Post  tortoisegirl Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:12 am

Sorry you are going through this on top of everything else. Yes I have heard of this...apparently its quite common, and they will typically try this once or twice before surgery (which used to be the only option for unpassable stones). I know quite a few folks with kidney stone issues.

I hope your doctor determines the type of stone and also discusses with you if there is any changes you can make to try to minimize the risk of future stones. For example, certain medications can cause them (such as Topamax), drinking extra water is always good, and there are some diet changes that help some folks (depends on the type of stone). Hang in there! Best wishes.


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