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vomiting from migraines

sherri b
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vomiting from migraines Empty vomiting from migraines

Post  Kate Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:31 pm

A couple weeks back i had a migraine before I went to bed. It was a busy day and was overly tired.That`s a trigger for me. In the middle of the night i woke up vomiting. In the morning I still had the feeling that I wanted to throw up and I felt nauseated when I stood up.

At first I thought it was something that I ate but everybody else was fine. Then I took some meds cause I still had a headache and thought that it could have been the migraine that caused it. Well, after I took the med, I was somewhat better. No nausea or feeling like I had to throw up.

I don`t usually throw up with my migraines but they do change a little from time to time. Does this sound like it could have been from the migraine?


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:43 pm

Yep, could be. Sometimes I throw up too. It's really rare for me to have that, I too was
puzzled the first time it happened. I backtracked trying to think if it was bad food but
I couldn't think of a single thing. In a few months I had another bad M and it was
again accompanied with vomiting. Sorry, hopefully it'll be a one time thing.

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  Brenda Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:16 pm

definitely could have been. Nausea and vomiting is common for me with my migraines.

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  Paradox Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:19 am

Nausea and vomiting are quite common with me also. Just what you want when your head is pounding.

If you continue to have problems with it my neuro prescribed phenegran tablets and I also have compazine suppositories for when I can't keep anything down.


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vomiting from migraines Empty Vomit and M

Post  rileyoday Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:12 pm

Six times a year I will vomit when I have a M, I always feel a little better after. I can hot shower to slow the onset of M.

I had complete sinus workup twice different ENT doctors. due to something in MRI film. Both these DR insist no sinus connection to M.
they seemed competent.

My mom and sister still call their "Sinus headaches " . I think they have low grade M. They both need dark room to rest and take tylenol sinus, wont try a low dose triptan.


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  sherri b Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:02 pm

I've vomitted with the really bad migraines. My dr gave me an rx for suppositories, they work very well. Especially when you can't keep anything down.
sherri b
sherri b

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vomiting from migraines Empty nausea and migraines

Post  dothemountain Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:31 pm

I always vomit during my migraines. The nausea is usually so strong that it often makes me forget the pain in my head for a short while. I feel better after I vomit but the pain in the head might last for hours or days after that.

For a little while I thought the vomiting (along with tingling hands and feet, shaking/shivering, tight jaw and tense muscles in my legs and loose bowels) was my bodies response to intense pain. After seeing some of the comments on this site I see that that might just be part of the migraine.

During my last migraine I was at wits end and crawled into the shower in tears. I kept the temp lukewarm and sat on the floor and let the water beat over the temple of my head that hurts the most....it actually seemed to help, although I was also crying quite a bit at the time and I'm not sure how that might effect a migraine? the temperature of the water had to be just right though. I doubt showering will be any kind of long term solution but I will definitely try it again next month and see if it offers some of the same relief, even if only for a half hour or so.


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:33 pm

Crying almost always makes my migraines worse. I try to avoid it at all costs but sometimes
I just gotta let it flow...

I get those back of the eye migraines. Nothing hurts worse then swollen cried out eyes with
a pounding M. Ouch

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vomiting from migraines Empty Eye migraines

Post  dothemountain Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:05 pm

RE: lovegia and anyone else with eye Migraines,

I'm sorry to hear that you also suffer from the back of the eye migraine, but it is nice to know that there are others out there. I have had many people try to tell me I don't get migraines because they are not painful in the "right" places. I wondered about cluster headaches for a long time as well...but there was not much to find about treatments or histories on them.

Are your migraines always behind the same eye? Is there a size or shape to the pain behind your eye? Yes, I think the crying does not help but sometimes I can't keep myself from doing it.


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:03 pm

I have reached a breaking point today. I have been crying for the last hour and it made it worse.
Ice on the eye and surrounding areas have been the only partial relief for me. As soon as I remove
the ice it hurts 10 fold. I'm starting to loose hope, and I want to think positive but my mind loops
back to thinking, my god is this how its going to be for me for the rest of my life?

As far as where the pain is located it is all around my eye. Just my right eye, occasionally my left.
Well, rarely actually. It is more painful by my nose and by my temples. It also extends to the
back of my ear sometimes if it is really bad. My temples usually ache, but it is nothing like the pain
I feel IN my eye. It feels like my eye itself is trying to pop out while someone is shoving something
sharp in there prying it out. Like a shot glass. No

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vomiting from migraines Empty Pain is Lonely

Post  dothemountain Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:26 am

I think that having a migraine is extremely lonely. I find that I spend a lot of my time in pain feeling lonely, even though I have a great network of friends and family that take care of me. It is so hard to bear so much pain alone. It is not possible to share it with those around you or make them understand how it feels. For this reason I joined this group site. I wanted to be able to talk with other people who understand the sort of pain I'm in and how it tortures the mind.

I have always been pretty good at dealing with pain. I have always been able to separate my mind from my body and manage intense pains such as broken bones, torn ligaments, etc. Not so with the Migraine. I'm not sure if it's a matter of the source of the pain coming from in my head, that makes it so hard to get away from my head and think or the fact that the cause of such a pain is unknown, or uncertain of beginnings and endings. Either way, I find it so difficult to manage this type of pain.

I think the eye migraine is the worst. I spend a lot of time thinking about prying my eye out with an ice pick so I can get behind it and touch the painful spot. massage it, roll it between my fingers and try to find the secret button that shuts the pain off. I rub and dig my fingers into the sides of my head. The bridge of my nose aches and it reaches into my sinuses and my teeth. I'd like to have my head removed. chop it off.

Some solutions I have come to for dealing with this sort of pain and feeling at such a loss for explanation or endings.

"This too shall pass" .....I did not fathom that some of you could be dealing with this on a daily basis! What happens to the mind when that catch all phrase no longer applies? Time heals all wounds? Apparently, not migraines.

I have some wonderful friends and family members. They sit with me throughout the 3 days a month I suffer. They rub my legs and back and apply pressure to my hands to remind me I'm there. I'm still in my bed, in my room, on earth. I have not entered some form of hellish oblivion. There is a new day at the end of this long dark night I'm crawling around in.

And now during all the days of the month that I feel okay. That I can wake up and stand to see the light streaking in my windows. Walk to work, be productive, go home, spend time doing the things I love. Now, I am thinking of all of you who suffer. Whether it be once a year or every minute of the every day. This pain is lonely and I wish I could remove it from your lives.


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:39 am

Thank you so much dothemountain. That is such a sweet thing to say Smile

I get those eye migraines almost every day. Thank god I manage them with medications
but whenever those meds wear off the pain is still there. I am limited to the amount I can take.
I also choose to not take that many for fear of addiction and ruining my liver and other things.
But, Topamax is finally starting to help, so I have hope. "This too shall pass.." may be my motto soon if this wonder drug continues to help, and hopefully I will only have a few migraines a month.
I really hope.

You made me feel loads better with that wonderful sentiment. I can't tell you how much
I appreciate it. It's been a tough weekend, so it was lovely to hear someone connect on that
level. Pain is lonely, but not as much when we have friends like you. Wink

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  Brenda Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:47 am

My migraines are usually behind my eye(s). Crying is a trigger for my migraines and it really makes them worse. Of course, I happen to be one of the most emotional people alive. LOL I really try not to cry, but can't help it a lot of times. The worst is when I'm in a multi-day cycle that I can't get relief from. I cry out of frustration and pain which only makes it worse. Vicious cycle.

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  dothemountain Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:52 am

You are very welcome Lovegia. Smile

I also can't seem to keep from crying. It's such a natural response to pain and suffering! I had this weird theory once that being emotional and crying might change my brain chemistry, just a little bit, and maybe that would help with the migraine.....so far it has not worked. But, you know how you get to this point where you're willing to try anything and believe anything if it might work. Desperation creates some crazy ideas for me. LOL! I also have not been suffering from these for more than a year or two so I am still hopeful of a drug that will work for me. Maybe if I am still battling them in my 40's I will have quit being so certain there is a fix for them.


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:13 pm

Gotta always keep hope! There are always options, we just haven't thought of them yet Smile

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  tecky Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:04 pm

dothemountain wrote:I think that having a migraine is extremely lonely. I find that I spend a lot of my time in pain feeling lonely, even though I have a great network of friends and family that take care of me. It is so hard to bear so much pain alone. It is not possible to share it with those around you or make them understand how it feels. For this reason I joined this group site. I wanted to be able to talk with other people who understand the sort of pain I'm in and how it tortures the mind.

I have always been pretty good at dealing with pain. I have always been able to separate my mind from my body and manage intense pains such as broken bones, torn ligaments, etc. Not so with the Migraine. I'm not sure if it's a matter of the source of the pain coming from in my head, that makes it so hard to get away from my head and think or the fact that the cause of such a pain is unknown, or uncertain of beginnings and endings. Either way, I find it so difficult to manage this type of pain.

I think the eye migraine is the worst. I spend a lot of time thinking about prying my eye out with an ice pick so I can get behind it and touch the painful spot. massage it, roll it between my fingers and try to find the secret button that shuts the pain off. I rub and dig my fingers into the sides of my head. The bridge of my nose aches and it reaches into my sinuses and my teeth. I'd like to have my head removed. chop it off..

Dothemountain, you have given such an eloquent description of my feelings. Most of mine are "eye migraines". Brain pain is so hard because it does affect the mind and thinking--worse than kidney stones and labor (I've had both).

I'm like Brenda too. I've always described myself as the most emotional person you'd every meet. I cry at all weddings, funerals (doesn't matter whether I know the people or not), my kids' programs at school and church when they were growing up, graduations, you name it (happy or sad). I've often wished I had more control over it, especially at work when I became frustrated--it's embarrassing to cry at work.

Becky Crying or Very sad

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  Stillhurtin Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:25 pm

lovegia wrote:I have reached a breaking point today. I have been crying for the last hour and it made it worse.
Ice on the eye and surrounding areas have been the only partial relief for me. As soon as I remove
the ice it hurts 10 fold. I'm starting to loose hope, and I want to think positive but my mind loops
back to thinking, my god is this how its going to be for me for the rest of my life?

As far as where the pain is located it is all around my eye. Just my right eye, occasionally my left.
Well, rarely actually. It is more painful by my nose and by my temples. It also extends to the
back of my ear sometimes if it is really bad. My temples usually ache, but it is nothing like the pain
I feel IN my eye. It feels like my eye itself is trying to pop out while someone is shoving something
sharp in there prying it out. Like a shot glass. No

I am so sorry you are having such a horrid day! You are a great friend to so many here and are always lending support to others, even during your own suffering. You are a great mom and a loving wife. You deserve relief from your pain and I am so mad at your stupid docs office for being so DUMB about fixing a script error so their patient can get relief! I wish the dumb flippin receptionist could read your posts and feel your agony and know that you have to be a loving parent to a lilgirl but are struggling through tears and pain b/c SHE doesn't take the time to be helpful to people and assumes the worst about them!

Wishing you relief soon buddy! There has to be a way for SOMEONE to get ya the right meds!!

So well put! Thanks for your post. I think many of us related to it! I also feel like the fact that Migraine disease affects the head/brain makes it more unbearable than other pain. Your brain/head DRIVE you. When your head and brain are messed up it's like saying "Here's a beautiful car, take it for a spin, but the steering wheel is falling off and doesn't work right."
Ummmm...ok???lol Thats how I feel at work half the time lately. Driving with a messed up steering wheel..lol

And you guys are right, that eye pain.....uck!! Luckily right now my eye is the only part of my left side of my head that HASN"T hurt (knock on wood). From neck to skull to temple to ear to teeth, sinuses...all of tham have had their share of ice-pick torture. But you guys gave me a glimmer of thankfulness during a miserable day....at least I haven't had that blinding stabbing AWFUL behind the eye pain!! Uck!!
I feel for you all, and am wishing all of us a better tomorrow Smile

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:20 pm

Thanks Jessica. You said such sweet things Smile definitely uplifted my spirits for the evening!

I finally got that call back...5 hours later. My NP said she has been receiving lots of complaints
about generic Topamax so she wrote a script out for brand. It's a bit more of a copay, but
after talking to my insurance company it is less than I thought so HOORAY for that! It went
from $70 a month to $35, which is a change I can handle. Plus, if I mail order it 3 months
worth will only be $70 in total so i'm not breaking my bank and will hopefully get much better
results. I sure hope so. The week is looking better already!

Hope your M goes away and your feeling well. Sorry you didn't make it to your appointment today.
Keep us posted. We worry and care.. I love you

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  Stillhurtin Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:54 pm

Oh good. Hopefully you feel the difference sooner not later.
And thanks for caring about the OBGYN. Smile I will follow up for sure!

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  tecky Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:36 am

I hope today is a better day for both of you, Jessica and Lovegia.

It just gets so tiring dealing with the pain and everything day after day. Like a roller coaster--up and down, up and down--day after day.

Please take care,

Becky I love you

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  Stillhurtin Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:40 am

Thanks Becky Smile

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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  LG Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:47 am

Thanks Becky Smile

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vomiting from migraines Empty messed up car

Post  dothemountain Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:09 pm

I love the driving a car without a working steering wheel metaphor!


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vomiting from migraines Empty Re: vomiting from migraines

Post  estre004 Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:43 pm

Yep. If I do not abort my migraine, I will get nausea. I have a prescription for it that works well. Nothing could be much worse than vomiting during a migraine. Makes the head hurt even more.


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