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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  Hal Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:33 pm

I know that there has been mention by some that doctors have diagnosed small holes in your brain that are believed to have been caused by Migraine. I have been told this and have been told that it won't cause any problems. However, I do not believe this. Does anyone have any information on this and what one might expect to be complications caused by it?

One doctor said my brain looked like Swiss Cheese. She even pointed out some of the holes on an MRI. It looked more like small needle holes. I never thought much about it because I really didn't feel any different.

I was told that if you have Migraines long enough, everyone that suffers from Migraine will end up with a holely brain.


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty holes in brain

Post  lentils Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:53 pm

I don't know if we are talking about the same thing, I have one, possibly 2 dark spots on my latest MRI. I have had migraines for 10 years. First MRI. after 2 years of migraines, didn't show any.


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  TeriRobert Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:01 pm

By holes, do you mean lesions?



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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  Hal Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:05 am


I was told holes. However, they may be lesions. I have heard something regarding lesions. Either way, it sounds like a death sentance. My mother warned me that if I watched to much TV my brain would turn to mush.


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  jwar Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:30 am


They discovered that these brain lesions are fairly common among migraineurs, especially those with aura. You can read a bit about it here: http://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/news/20040127/migraine-linked-to-brain-lesions

As of right now, I believe they aren't aware of any clinical implications that the lesions have. Frankly, I don't fully buy that either.


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty holes

Post  dawn.binks Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:58 am

if migraines caused holes then we would surely be suffering from other permanent neurological problems?? never heard of it before but will pass it by my neuro next week. ive had several mri brain scans and there was nothing showing up lesions or holes on it.

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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  Cathy Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:27 am

I had mentioned to you on a PM that I had been told the same thing and I'm glad you asked this of others. I still have trouble believing it. When you used the phrase "Swiss cheese" and that's exactly how my doc described my MRI, I thought he must know what he was talking about.

He did describe them as lesions and "dead tissue spots" in my brain. Jwar - That site answered my question a little as to what a lesion is and it described the dead spots as infarcts. He said that it was what he would expect to find in someone with frequent migraines as long as I've had them. The first line of the article says "long term damage to the brain" but then goes on to say it doesn't seem to be a problem. I would certainly think dead tissue is going to cause some kind of problem with brain function. But how could I tell? I'm usually in pain and taking a painkiller so I don't think I'd know where the lack in brain function comes from. And he didn't give me any hope as to them healing or regenerating so I guess dead is dead?

I'm watching to hear if others have been told this. Just one more lovely side effect of the dreadful migraines.


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  alli Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:48 am

Makes me wonder if the neurological stuff I am now dealing with is partially caused by holes in the brain.

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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  TeriRobert Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:21 pm

Thanks for the reply, Hal.

I've not heard of holes, but I've read some studies and talked with some specialists and researchers on the lesions that are sometimes found. Here's the info I have:

The Evolving Role of Migraine Prevention: Video

Is Migraine a Progressive Brain Disease?

Hope this helps a bit,


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  Hal Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:12 pm

Am I to understand from all of this that migraines can cause artery desease?


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  TeriRobert Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:37 pm

It's not quite that simple. It's not that Migraines cause us to have coronary artery disease or stroke or heart attack. It's that research has shown that having Migraine increases our risk of them. Nobody is quite sure why. The extent of the increased risk isn't as large as some of the articles I've seen in mainstream media would make it seem. The best thing any of us can do is talk with our doctors about any modifiable risk factors we may have and work to reduce them.


Hal wrote:Am I to understand from all of this that migraines can cause artery desease?



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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  Ruth Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:47 pm

So after over 40 years of migraines, I can use my holey brain as an excuse when I get forgetful or have brain farts!


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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty Re: Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine?

Post  02R96 Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:16 am

So... We're all destined to become Spongebob? cyclops

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Holes in Your Brain Caused by Migraine? Empty brain

Post  dawn.binks Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:17 am

if we were tho wed all be confined to wheelchairs unable to control any movements, speech etc. thank goodness we wont!! Smile

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