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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading

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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading Empty Migraines incorporated in book I am reading

Post  estre004 Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:06 am

This is a first for me. I was reading a typical mystery fictional book over the weekend at the lake. I'm suspecting the author has experienced migraines or has been around someone who has them. I have barely started the book and a mention of migraines has already surfaced.

One of the characters was pulling her hair and was in extreme pain. Another character who is a nurse promises to get some Imitrex for her at work the following day and there is a mention that the one with the migraine will most likely be sleeping the migraine off for at least 24 hours. Now the book has nothing to do with migraines. The author could have just used a "headache" in the story. I thought this was encouraging. The description of the migraine is right on and you can almost feel the migraine. I hope non-migraineurs take notice.


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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading Empty Re: Migraines incorporated in book I am reading

Post  alli Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:20 am

I read one last week that had migraines in it. The protagonist got them and it was such an accurate description that I bet the author must get them too.

It's nice to see they are being described in fiction.... anything that raises awareness is good!

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Post  BigShirley Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:48 pm

estre004 wrote:This is a first for me. I was reading a typical mystery fictional book over the weekend at the lake. I'm suspecting the author has experienced migraines or has been around someone who has them. I have barely started the book and a mention of migraines has already surfaced.

One of the characters was pulling her hair and was in extreme pain. Another character who is a nurse promises to get some Imitrex for her at work the following day and there is a mention that the one with the migraine will most likely be sleeping the migraine off for at least 24 hours. Now the book has nothing to do with migraines. The author could have just used a "headache" in the story. I thought this was encouraging. The description of the migraine is right on and you can almost feel the migraine. I hope non-migraineurs take notice.

It sounds like an interesting read!

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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading Empty Re: Migraines incorporated in book I am reading

Post  CluelessKitty Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:17 pm

I think "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger has migraines in it.
and I think in "Beautiful Lies" by Lisa Unger the headaches that the heroine got can be classified as mild migraines, as well.


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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading Empty fiction that mentions migraines

Post  lentils Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:15 pm

"Atonement" describes the migraines of the mother of the protagonist in the early chapters. I don't think it was mentioned in the movie. This is the first time I became aware of migraines mentioned in a book I was reading. There may have been books before then, but my migraines were not much of a problem then and I may not have noticed.


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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading Empty Re: Migraines incorporated in book I am reading

Post  crt Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:05 pm

I read a story where a terribly nasty Nazi officer had migraines. It was strange, having such mixed feelings for a character. I was horrified at how he treated fellow humans and condemned him for that. At the same time, I did have a certain amount of sympathy for his migraine symptoms.


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Migraines incorporated in book I am reading Empty Re: Migraines incorporated in book I am reading

Post  Sara79 Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:34 pm

I remember reading a Crime thriller where the heroine had migraines, and Imitrex injections were her only help. At one point she's got the agent/officer/FBI love interest giving her a shot and putting her to bed for a day. It was very spot on for my episodes, I just wish I could remember the book/author/series


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