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can someone help me

Lil Bird
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can someone help me Empty can someone help me

Post  alexmelody26 Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:13 pm

i am 30 years old and my migraine started when i was 12 and since then my life is a nightmare. i have between 9 to 13 attacks a month, i tried so many medication like amitryptyline, atenolol, gabapetnin, topomax, propanolol and more but nothing works, when i have attack i taking 100mg of sumatriptan plus 1000mg of paracetamol and 400mg ibuprofen alltogether for pain. my neurologist said that i am difficult case. i tried herbs, meditations, acupuncture for about a year, homeopathy, changing diet ans lifestyle but nothing changed, can anyone has similar problem, please i can take any advice


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Post  Lil Bird Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:33 pm


I am so sorry you are suffering so much. I am much like you, trying to find something that works. I don't have much advice yet to offer. My migraines started only 2 years ago and that doesn't even begin to compare to how long you have had to suffer. Keep posting on this site and searching in the threads for ideas. There are a lot of nice people on here with different ideas and experiences. Maybe one of them can lend you some good advice. I am currently going the chiropractic route and praying that it will help. What kind of homeopathic remedies have you tried?

Hang in there. Smile
Lil Bird
Lil Bird

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Post  Paradox Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:11 am

For about six months I had success with Namenda, a Alzheimer's drug. It didn't help the frequncy, but it helped a great deal with the severity. I was very disappointed when it quit working.

I don't see Namenda mentioned much on this site, but I know Loyola Hospital in Chicago uses it quite a bit. MIght be worth a shot.

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Post  alexmelody26 Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:19 pm

i tried silicea, belladonna and spigelia


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Post  jeselle Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:53 pm

I am sorry that the "preventative" drugs you have tried have not worked for you. I've been at this 20 years and the only one that worked was topomax but it stopped working after a couple of years so I stopped taking it. I've tried all the "standard" preventatives. We all react differently to different drugs and each doctor/neurologist has their favorite that they prescribe. I wish you luck in finding relief. Keep at it. Don't lose hope.

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Post  alexmelody26 Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:28 pm

thank you , sometimes i am loosing hope , i had migraine yestaerday and i have today again , i am loosing will to live


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Post  milo Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:33 pm

Take strength in this forum. We are a very large group of migrainers, all fighting the same fight.

Believe that you can find something that will work, and keep looking.

This thing can be so depressing. Don't let your migraines win!!! Use a strong pain med when you have to, in order to get reflief from time to time.

I'm sorry you are having such a tough time.

Know that many/most of us have been in the same place as you. You are not alone in this fight. Smile

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Post  jeselle Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:20 pm

I am concerned about you b/c you state you are losing the will to live. I know that migraines are depressing and they are discouraging. They make us feel horrible. Do you have someone close to you can talk to? Have you called your doctor to let them know you are having a hard time? Do you have a doctor's appointment coming up? Don't give up. The disease can be managed; it's not easy, but it can be done. Life is worth it. Hang in there.

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Post  Brent Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:33 pm

Make sure you rule out other sources on the head pain. Neuros seem to rubber stamp all head and face pain as migraines. See a ENT, allergist, dentist, eye doc. Compare your symptoms with others to see if you're typical or atypical.

I spent two years with horrible head and face pain and finally found out both my maxillary sinuses were closed off. I was born with it and never knew any different. Three neuros stamped me as migraine. No preventives or abortives worked, just pain meds. The more I learned about migs the more I realized that I did not fit the "typical" sufferer with most of the symptoms. And in the end I was right, they weren't migs. But they had the same intensity and pain areas that migs tend to have.

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Post  theresae Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:06 pm

hi there, sorry to hear you are suffering, all of us on here will understand your feelings of despair, stick with this forum, new ideas and treatments are being mentioned all the time, although no cure unfortunately, have you tried combining 2 or more of the preventatives?

i am havin some sucess from 50mg of amitriptyline and 40mg twice daily of propanolol, i am not pain free but it has reduced the severity of the migraines, i also take diclofenic 50mg along with anti sickness and paracetomal, and triptan if needed,

theres lots for you too read (when your head allows) on this site so welcome.

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Post  alexmelody26 Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:04 pm

thank you all
i was just thinking about cooking book for migraine with special meals, and i saw on internet some Rio Light MASK , does anyone used it before


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can someone help me Empty Re: can someone help me

Post  Richard Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:47 pm

Howdy Alex

You need a great healthcare team. I am put one together over the years and I highly recommend it. On my team is:

1. Family Doctor who manages my case, makes referrals and receives all reports for the other doctors on my team.

2. Neurologist who has at LEAST 25% of his practice dealing with severe migraine cases. You need someone with experience.

3. Board Certified Pain Manager ... pain management is now a specialty in medicine in the USA same as neurology or gyn or psychiatry. Find yourself a Board Certified Pain Management doctor.

4. Therapist ... You sound like I sounded a decade ago when my life changed dramtically due to migraine episodes. My family doctor referred to a psychologist named Robert. He was terrific. We met once a week and he helped me stay alive and not commit suicide. He was also instrumental in guiding me to accept migraines as an integral part of my life. We met together for two years or so. I miss him. when the death of my husband caused me extreme emotions, I met with a grief therapist. He was great too. We mety for year and a half. Saved my life again.

5. Chiropractor ... my migraine episodes usually cause my body to move in weird ways. Afterwards I often have a back ache or other pains in my skeletal structure. My chiropractor and I agree he can NOT heal my migraines at all. BUT he is terrific at fixing the after effect of migraine episodes.

6. Pharmacist ... Joe, the manager of the pharmacy at Walgreens in Paradise California is absolutely terrific. He watches my meds for interaction, tells me ALL I need to know about my medications, and is a true friend. When my husband died, it was Joe who went over the autopsy report with me and explained it all. Some of the info therein was intense ... Joe and another pharmacist hit the computers and researched the medications and their interactions for me. A good pharmacist is absolutely necessary.

With a positive and knowledgeable healthcare team in place, your life will change for the better. But remember this about migraine preventative medications.

Preventative do NOT prevent migraine episodes. They are not meant to prevent episodes. No preventative will prevent migraine episodes for you.

What a successful preventative WILL do is
REDUCE the frequency of your episodes
REDUCE the intensity of your episodes
REDUCE the duration of your episodes.

If a preventative reduces EITHER the frequency OR the duration OR the intensity of a migraine episode by half (50%) in a test group THEN it is a successful migraine preventative medication.

it is important to have realistic expectations.

Plus understand that when a preventative "quits working" it will often be effective after a bit of time. I cycle between Lyrica and Topomax ... when one stops being effective, I take the other. When it stops being effective, I switch back to the original medication. Just because a medication "quits" today does not mean it will be ineffective three months from now or so.

Well that is really TOO much information. I wish you well and hope you come to terms with your disease.

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can someone help me Empty Re: can someone help me

Post  alexmelody26 Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:44 pm

i live in UK and here is very hard to get appointment with neurologist in hospital and i changed surgerys so many times and all GPs are the same , thay treating me like guinea pig without good result


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can someone help me Empty please help me / migraines

Post  chuck134 Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:49 pm

You do sound like a hard case. I would like to discuss with you something that made a dramatic difference for my wife. E-mail me at myers630@comcast.net. Very Happy


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