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What do I do now? -Warning-vent

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What do I do now? -Warning-vent Empty What do I do now? -Warning-vent

Post  sailingmuffin Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:44 pm

Hi All,

I am not sure what to do right now. The migraine is back with a vengence. ( I had an IV of Depakan on Thursday, which took it down to a reasonable leve.) In addition to this, I have strep throat with fever and everything that goes with it. The fever also makes me faint a lot more- apprximately 18 times a day since friday. Because of the severe fainting right now, my roommate told me to crawl around the apartment, instead of walking. This actually makes sense to me and has cut down some of the fainting.

I am just so scared and tired of this. I know that strep will go away. I am already on antibiotics for it. It is just that I can handle the fainting and headaches, up to a point. However I am findig very difficult to deal with all three at once.

I am having a reveal loop recorder (which is a small, implantable device that montore your heart.) Until then, the dr did not give me any ideas about other treatment options, just that we will talk about in January. I am just scared that the fainting might get worse before then, as it was an illness that set off the chronic fainting in the first plave. Sometimes, I feel like I am yelling at drs and they just aren't lidtening. I am scared and I feel stuck between a rock an a hard plave.

I see my pain dr tomorrow and am hoping that he will be willing to change some stuff around, since the current plan isn't working.

I'd love any ideas, advice, etc.

Pain free days,

Posts : 550
Join date : 2009-12-05

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What do I do now? -Warning-vent Empty Assistant Animal?

Post  lesherb Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:13 pm

Hi SM,

I was wondering how you were doing. I am so sorry to hear about the strep. I used to get that at the drop of a hat. Whenever I have a fever, that's instant migraine territory for me. I hope you are feeling better soon.

I was wondering if you would be qualified for an assistance animal (or whatever they are called). Since you faint, perhaps you could have a dog which is trained to protect you. If your fainting isn't a quick unconscious event with you falling down hard, perhaps a dog could be there for you to hold onto as you need to lie or sit down.

I just did a google search and this article might be of interest to you. It's about a woman who faints and her service dog senses when it is going to happen just moments before it does.


I think this would be an ideal solution for you. If a service dog could predict, that would be helpful. Plus, if you have a service dog, then people would be aware that you're in need of attention if something happens. If you are alone in your apartment, and you faint, then find you are incapacitated for some reason once you regain consciousness, the dog could bring the phone to you or be trained to dial your parents number (which you have placed into a speed dial memory).

Here is the Service Animal of America Registry website: http://www.affluent.net/sara/sara1.htm

Let me know what you think of this idea. I wish I could do more to help.


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What do I do now? -Warning-vent Empty Re: What do I do now? -Warning-vent

Post  sailingmuffin Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:41 pm

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for your advice. I read the sane aticle in the New York Times a few weeks ago. I am alredy in the proces of applying for a service dog. One of the organizations I am looking at is the one that trained the dog in article; The other is Kentucky and also trains dogs to detect fainiting and seiures. I will ledt you know how it goes. Right now, it has been very hard to concentrate on the essay part of one of the applications-due to migraine and strep. But I am going to try and get them off y the end of the week. I AM SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED IT, THOUGH,


Pain free days,
sailing m

Posts : 550
Join date : 2009-12-05

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Post  tecky Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:44 pm

Dear sailingm......

I'm sorry you're now dealing with strep on top of everything else. I, too, used to get it often when I was growing up.

Leslie has a very wonderful recommendation of a service animal. I think you are just the individual who would benefit from one. I hope you're able to look into it and find an organization that can help get you one (hopefully they can fulfill your request quickly).

Keep us posted on how you're doing. I think of you often and keep you in my prayers.


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Post  Guest Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:55 pm


This is quite complex. I know you've been battling this for a long time and having a really tough time.

I'm having my Reveal taken out on thursday. We've gotten all the beneficial data that we can out of it.

Make sure you ask your doctor just who exactly is going to be reading and interpolating the Reveal's data. I am a bit perplexed by "let's stick it in and talk later." Have you asked your doc what research he is doing, and if he is doing research for Medtronic?


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What do I do now? -Warning-vent Empty Re: What do I do now? -Warning-vent

Post  Richard Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:08 pm


Marc givves great advice as always. Leslie's links are amazing ... just think of the difference in your life is a dog could tell you when you are about to faint! Just amazing. I hope you qualify for and are able to obtain a service animal soon!

Good luck with the pain doctor tomorrow. You will do fine as long as you seek pain relief instead of a specific medication!

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Age : 72
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