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gua sha massage (graston)

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gua sha massage (graston) Empty gua sha massage (graston)

Post  ConcordGrape Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:02 pm

I wanted to share this wonderful technique I learned today. I was at PT and he did the graston technique on my neck. Within 5 minutes the migraine I had went away! (My migraines always come with lots of neck tension.) I went online to order my own graston tool, and learned that it is basically a version of eatstern medicine's gua sha, where you use a jade stone to scrape at the muscles to improve circulation and relieve pain. I ordered a tool ($20), and there are plenty of videos online to learn the techniques.

Has anyone tried this? If not, I'll report back after I've gotten mine and tried it.

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gua sha massage (graston) Empty Re: gua sha massage (graston)

Post  Mini Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:00 am

It is good to hear that some treatments work so well, but have you tried to use the new tool by yourself?
Did you get similar results?
I looked at some youtube videos, but they seem to rub quite hard and I cannot see how it can be done (how to reach the right place) if you do it by yourself.

I have been M free for a long time, but lately my head is getting worse again, so it would be good to have some alternative to usual strong medicines to get rid of it.

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gua sha massage (graston) Empty Re: gua sha massage (graston)

Post  Kem10 Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:17 am

Following this thread with interest. More options and more pharmaceutical free solutions so very welcome.

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Join date : 2013-10-27

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gua sha massage (graston) Empty Reply with quote Re: gua sha massage (graston)

Post  Cindy*W Wed Apr 18, 2018 4:50 pm

This is really interesting to me. Years ago I went to a Chiropractor and the adjustments didn't help much but the massage did. Sad thing is Chiropractors won't just do massage only and the places that do massage are not covered by my insurance. I really think if I could get a really good massage once a week I would be in better shape but it is expensive and I cannot afford it right now. In the last 4 years my husband has had open heart surgery to replace a mitral valve, a stroke because his blood got too thick, and had a tear fixed in his esophagus. Needless to say we are making more medical payments than we can really afford.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention though, I am going to do some research and see if I think it is something I could try.


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Location : Nebraska

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