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Visteril question

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Visteril question Empty Visteril question

Post  sailingmuffin Wed May 07, 2014 7:24 pm

Hi All,

I had an appointment with my pain dr on Monday- it went very well. Basically, I am staying on the Nucynta 100mg ER with Nucynta 75 mg for breakthrough. He did say that he did not want me to use Phenergan with the nucynta due to a possible interaction. (He did say that the injections were ok in an absolute emergency.) My neuro does give oral Phenergan and Zofran to deal with nausea from migraines.

When I was at patient at Diamond and at MHNI, they gave me visteril for the nausea. It worked fairly well. I have also gotten it at the ER. This morning, I had a pretty bad episode of nausea and was also out of Zofran. Then I remembered that Dora (yes, Dora my service dog) had been prescribed Visteril for something a few months ago. I was kind of desperate so I tried taking the visteril and it worked really well. (Normally, I would not take my dog's medication.) Still it worked really well. I will probably ask my neurologist about it tomorrow.

Has anyone else used Visteril and how well does it work for you?

Pain free days,

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Visteril question Empty Re: Visteril question

Post  jewel6 Wed May 14, 2014 8:15 pm

Visteril is just a good old anti-histamine, if I remember correctly? I think its anti-nausea properties are due to its sedative effects. It has helped me with nausea, but it's not a first choice. I always start with zofran, and then move on to phenergan, (oral or injectable) if the nausea is still not well-controlled. But it couldn't hurt to have some on hand. It's always good to have options.

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Visteril question Empty Re: Visteril question

Post  carlajo Wed May 21, 2014 11:51 am

Hello my friend!!

I have been given Vistaril in the ER via IM injection. I liked it for my nausea as well. I was told in my ER that they don't give it anymore as an anti-nausea medicine. They said there are less "side effects" with Phenergen and Zofran of course, so they don't use it as much now.

So to answer your question-yes. I have used it and it helped!! I have never been given it to use at home tho.

Carlajo Smile


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Visteril question Empty a cautionary note

Post  dcook60 Wed May 21, 2014 9:33 pm

i took vistaril for YEARS, for its sedating properties. it is the possible culprit for 2 episodes i have had in the past 7 years, of an "altered mental state". these were quite scary for my children and for me, when they found me incoherent and babbling. nothing was found in either hospitalization.

not fun, but nobody knows if that's really the cause. i don't take it anymore!! nor any antihistamine, cuz i do not want a repeat performance. dianne

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Visteril question Empty re:Vistaril question.

Post  Cindy*W Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:34 pm

I have been using Vistaril for many years.

It helps my pain meds work better and helps me get the rest I need.

I don't really have a choice though because all of the other anti nauseant meds cause akathesia for me.


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