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S.A.D. diagnosis

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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty S.A.D. diagnosis

Post  scobby2940 Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:45 am

S.A.D=Seasonal Affective Depression
it's a type of depression that lasts Fall -Winter and then you feel better spring summer. I just got diagnosed with this and the treatment is a light box. The symptoms are due to a lack of sunlight and affects melatonin, serotonin levels. That's crazy, but it sounds so much like me! I get so depressed from Nov. thru March and when my psychologist told me what I had it was like wow! And migraines are connected with those levels also. So we'll see what this treatment will do.

anything is better than how I feel now. NP has me trying ketoralac with maxalt and not to use narcotics but the last two mornings woke up with a terrible throbbing-gotta hold your head together migraine and the ketoralac didn't even touch it one iota!

trying to stay off a preventative but at this point I am so done.....whether on a preventative or off the amount and severity of migraines don't change..but hoping one day to find one that does.

I can't live like this anymore-headaches every day and missing work

anyone out there ever heard or been treated for S.A.D?


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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty Re: S.A.D. diagnosis

Post  Migrainegirl Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:56 pm

This is a very real problem for people who live in northern lattitudes with much shorter days during the winter. Places like Sweden have surprisingly high suicide rates due to this. It can be effectively treated with light therapy (if the lights don't trigger a migraine for you). These people also do much better in more southerly warmer climates. (which would be my preference Very Happy

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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty Re: S.A.D. diagnosis

Post  HeelerLady Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:40 pm

There's a gal I work with that has SAD and is a chronic migraineur. Her light box sits above her computer and it's on for a couple of hours in the morning. So I've heard of it. Also the light is a nice light...it's sort of bright but not glaringly bright. A lot nicer than the overhear fluorescents I'm forced to endure.

It sort of makes sense and I hope that treating the SAD will help with your M. Smile

Migrainegirl - I don't think it has much to do with where you are in the world (unless you live in one of the extremes). Obviously the equator is going to be the best as it has little fluctuation year round but someone might hypothetically be sensitive to those small changes. I think it depends on your brain chemistry more than anything else.

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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty Re: S.A.D. diagnosis

Post  Migrainegirl Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:59 pm

Oh I agree some people are more susceptible than others. But it does effect people in the northern climates more due to less hours of sunlight in the winter. Those same susceptible people have much less problems in southern latitudes with more sunlight, or by using the light treatment.

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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty This happens for those in the Midwest

Post  scobby2940 Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:16 pm

My labwork shows how I just "tank" on Vitamin D in the fall/winter months.....I am like almost to the lowest allowable number...37 (32 is bottom) and my dr. wants me in the 60's or better!! so in Wisconsin we don't have much sunshine and when there is sunshine it's too darn cold to be outside for very long and if you are outside you are bundled and covered up so no sunshine can get absorbed into your body...so hopefully a light box will help!

Also doubling up on my Vt. D supplements too.-dr's orders Smile


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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty Re: S.A.D. diagnosis

Post  Migrainegirl Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:12 pm

I am taking 5000 vitamin D per day. It is being advised for lots of reasons these days..

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S.A.D. diagnosis Empty Re: S.A.D. diagnosis

Post  WitsEnd Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:46 am

Yes, I have heard of it. Apparently the light box really helps improve it. A lot of people set it to come on their bedrooms before they get up in the morning, so it's like getting up on a bright sunny morning rather than a dark winter morning.

I've heard good things about the light boxes, I hope it works for you.

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