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Glee question

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Glee question Empty Glee question

Post  Paradox Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:34 pm

Yes, the new blond guy is cute, but where's Puck?

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Glee question Empty Re: Glee question

Post  Cathy Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:43 am

They said on the show that he drove a car through some kind of window, I forget, 7 Eleven or something, and was sent to juvenile hall. I honestly think he has the best voice and dancing talent. I hope he isn't gone for good. I think Sam is cute and he and Quinn are like Barbie and Ken, but I think Puck really has the talent. I looked online and couldn't get any info on whether or not he's off the show. It said he is released his own album yesterday so I hope that doesn't mean they're getting rid of him.

I watched last night with a headache and had to mute some of the songs. When it gets too high it really bothers my head.


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Glee question Empty Re: Glee question

Post  Richard Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:41 pm

Yes, Puck is in juvenile hall after driving INTO a convenience store, then backing out wihtthe store's ATM on board.

He is a great actor and a fun character. Hope he returns. Was not aware of his album release ... may have broken a contract.

My favorite character remain Bert Hummel ... his confronting Kurt last night about his crush on Finn PLUS Finn's saying he is not homophobic, he just doesn't like the fact that Kurt does not know that no means no ... both interactions with Kurt were priceless ... and true.

I was surprised that when Kurt was singing, especially that final re-make of the famous Barbra-Judy duet, the camera poised on Sam and he was looking ... well his staring at Kurt was most interesting. Jane Lynch said that Sam was to be Kurt's boyfried this year ... and Sam is playing the part of young, new in school, teenager who is discovering himself. Maybe he will date Kurt after all. though, Diana Agron (Quinn) is such a good actress and singer and dancer ... I hope some conflict develops to give her lots of air time.

The new Rachel (what a pain in the neck) is fascinating. I always liked her character until this year. She is coming across as annoying wiithout the balance of being sweet ... though that characgter is still the wone with the best insights to the fellow Glee members ... her understanding Kurt's being lonely but not alone was well done last night.

I also hope that Ms Beist, the new football coach, gets more air time soon. I like that character and that actress.

And can't Sue do more "As Sue Sees It" for the local TV station? I love her "insights." We should all litter so Mexicans can work and make money and buy taco's for theri family. I want the Friday after Christmas as an ugly holiday ... all fatties and ugly people would be required to stay home so Sue does not have to look at them. Her sexist, racist, xenophobic opinions are priceless.

Yes indeed, I AM a Gleek!!

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Glee question Empty Re: Glee question

Post  Paradox Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:58 pm

It's interesting that there has been NOTHING in my tabloids about Puck. The tabloids love him, he's good looking and shows up at the clubs but no gossip about broken contracts, nada.

Yes, I think we are being toyed with with Sam and Quinn. But I'm not sure the angle...is Sam bi or denying he's gay and covering with Quinn? Or been isolated in a cult and has no idea of his sexuality and is attracted to both. He seems so naive. I can't wait to find out.

Yes! To the new football coach. Love her.

Oh, and doing Rocky Horror! Favorite movie with favorite series. It doesn't get any better. I see Santanya as Magenta. Who will be Meat Loaf??? Oh the excitement!

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Glee question Empty Re: Glee question

Post  estre004 Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:46 am

OK, I'm out of the loop. I love Glee but haven't tuned in this season because I've been super busy. Are you talking about real life or
on the show about the plowing into a store and going to juvenile hall.


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Glee question Empty Re: Glee question

Post  Paradox Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:22 am

I want to know why in real life, Mark Salling has not been on the show. The juvie hall thing is just a plot device and I'm curious as to why.

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Glee question Empty Re: Glee question

Post  Brenda Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:29 pm

I love the new football coach too. And I love to hate Sue. I really enjoy seeing her tender side when she deals with her sister though. It shows that there is a heart under all that rude and rough exterior.

I have to say the first episode of the season I was disappointed in. It's gotten much better since then though. I think it was the whole Brittney Spears thing. I'm definitely NOT a fan. But then this show is about teenagers, and I haven't been a teen for a very long time. haha

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