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whopper to-day...

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whopper to-day... Empty whopper to-day...

Post  Guest Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:38 pm

I was about ready to shoot myself to-day. Still here though. It's 8:30PM. Calming down a bit. Anyone else have a rough day? (what a stupid question)


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whopper to-day... Empty Re: whopper to-day...

Post  Ruth Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:50 pm

Sorry you've had a bad day, I remember those days when I wanted to shoot myself to take away the pain! Hope you're feeling a lot better by now. flower


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whopper to-day... Empty Re: whopper to-day...

Post  HeelerLady Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:06 pm

Absolutely - completely miserable. Hoping it resolves over night. Double vision, nausea and the pain. Ugh. Just sucks and no you are not alone. Sad

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whopper to-day... Empty worst migraine ever

Post  lentils Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:21 pm

Just last week I was bragging that I've only had one migraine this year. Well, the migraine gods punished me this weekend. I've had 10 years of migraines, but the pain was so bad with this one I thought I was going to die. I called my daughter and told her to check up on me and the dog if I didn't contact her today. Today I just have residual pain in my temple, but yesterday was frightening.


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whopper to-day... Empty worst migraine ever

Post  dizzyflower Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:37 am

Sorry it was bad for you too!!

really had to take it easy yesterday. The diziness, visual disturbance and feeling sick was just at a ridiculous level for me. Don't know why as I thought I'd been doing well the last 2 weeks,



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whopper to-day... Empty Re: whopper to-day...

Post  Chairish1976 Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:00 am

Same here... Been away from the computer for a couple days to try and get rid of it. I think mine's finally gone at 2am with fiorinal's help, though yesterday I was hoping my head would just go ahead and explode already. So tired of so many days going by where I'm useless! Mad

Kinda funny we all got it on the same day though. Thirty years from now, maybe someone will figure out solar flares, shifts in the earth, or some other obscurity was really the cause and every other trigger was just a coincidence.

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whopper to-day... Empty Re: whopper to-day...

Post  Tngirl83 Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:12 am

I've been reading several posts and it seems almost everyone had a bad weekend. Even though mine has been going on for almost two months now, I had an increase in pain this weekend and was just wishing for my head to either fall off so I couldn't feel it anymore ot explode.

So everybodys pain got me thinking. We all don't live near each other and some of us live in different contries so it seems a little strange that we all had terrible migraines at the same time. This makes me wonder. I'm not a scientific person by any means but if this isn't something we've got here I don't know what is!

Just a random thought from a sleepless mind this morning.

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whopper to-day... Empty Re: whopper to-day...

Post  Chairish1976 Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:21 am

Tngirl83 wrote:I've been reading several posts and it seems almost everyone had a bad weekend. Even though mine has been going on for almost two months now, I had an increase in pain this weekend and was just wishing for my head to either fall off so I couldn't feel it anymore ot explode.

So everybodys pain got me thinking. We all don't live near each other and some of us live in different contries so it seems a little strange that we all had terrible migraines at the same time. This makes me wonder. I'm not a scientific person by any means but if this isn't something we've got here I don't know what is!

Just a random thought from a sleepless mind this morning.

Yeah, odd coincidence. Although, I've heard a very common trigger is the transition from work week to relaxing weekend for many migraineurs - something about the change in stress and energy. The problem with that theory for me is I'm on disability leave so the weekend is just like any other day. I didn't even remember it was saturday a couple days ago.

I'll have to browse the news and see if anything particular happened in the world, like earthquakes, etc. I think it was friday or saturday afternoon that I got really dizzy from what felt like a long, swaying earthquake but I guessed it was just a drug side effect when I didn't hear anything more about it elsewhere.

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Post  Tngirl83 Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:26 am

Well I actually went back to work on Friday and worked Saturday and ended up leaving work early on Saturday cause I got extremely dizzy among other things which then led to the increased pain of the already exisitant migraine. Hmmm...

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Post  Ivy Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:55 am

I feel miserable today. Last night we had bad storms for hours and I slept bad. This morning it's cloudy, very humid and too warm.... Exactly the worst weather for my head.

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whopper to-day... Empty Re: whopper to-day...

Post  Chairish1976 Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:48 am

Ivy wrote:I feel miserable today. Last night we had bad storms for hours and I slept bad. This morning it's cloudy, very humid and too warm.... Exactly the worst weather for my head.

Heat is a trigger for me too, but I'm the opposite of many people here about other ideal weather. I rarely ever get a migraine from cool, cloudy, or rainy/humid weather. My best days have been when it's raining hard and around 50 degrees outside. Part of the problem is probably living in southern California where it's my worst weather for 90% of the year, but at least the beaches are always nice. sunny

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Post  HeelerLady Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:18 am

I don't think it's the transition from work to weekend. I have a non-stressful job and can work from home (which I often do). I don't find that stress is a trigger for me at all. Even though with everything that's happened in the last few days I should be having the worst M. Here we had a massive low come through and it's finally passed far enough that I can function. Smile

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