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Food trigger- really crappy week...

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Food trigger- really crappy week... Empty Food trigger- really crappy week...

Post  AngelTree Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:29 pm

Hi guys,

I haven't been around for a while. Sure hope everyone is doing O.K. I had a 7 day migraine last week. I believe it started when I was oncall (I'm a hospital chaplain), as I got three hours of sleep, and then there was the tornado. Yes a tornado. So weird.

Anyways. Just having loads of fun. I ate a bagel this morning, and I know that yeast risen breads can be a food trigger. It seems this is my trigger....

only I'm not sure exactly how to avoid it? Can I buy a bagel and eat it the next day? Pizza dough also seems to trigger me.




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Join date : 2009-12-17

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Food trigger- really crappy week... Empty Re: Food trigger- really crappy week...

Post  HeelerLady Wed Apr 07, 2010 4:45 pm


You could try unleavened breads. Some Jewish breads are made this way. If you have a specialty food store, they will often have baked goods that eliminate certain ingredients. Unfortunately letting a bagel sit a day isn't going to erase the fact that it was made with yeast.

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Join date : 2010-02-04
Age : 44
Location : Wisconsin

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