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Fioricet and Codeine

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Paradox Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:44 pm

When I was in my late 20's I used fioricet. It was very effective for me for about 10 years. I was sad when it quit working. Crying or Very sad

During that time I had two small children, one with special needs, and I don't recall having any difficulties caring for them.

I hope it gives you some well deserved relief. It broke my heart when I read in your other post that you missed baby Gia opening her presents.


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty fiorciet

Post  rileyoday Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:07 pm

i used fiorciet for a couple of months with small relief, so i started to take more and got a little more relief, but then i did not get relief and it did have hard withdrawl effects. You know we are all diff to meds so try it. It could be your relief, though with your freqrency and pain level? . Hopefully some help. I dont believe it costs alot either.


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  CluelessKitty Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:39 pm

Fioricet with codeine, hmm

do you know how much of these do you have in your Rx?

I used to take Fiorinal C1/2 which I believe is about the same but contains 30 mg of codeine in one tablet.
This was moderately well working for me - useless for serious M.
I suppose it would be working better now combined with any triptan, but I stopped taking it many years ago since I figured
if it worked for me as well as T3 but T3 was supposed to be less addictive due to lack of butalbital, why bother?...

But both T3 and FiorinalC1/2 and Fioricet were first line Rx for M 20 years ago. No big deal.

If it works for you, then good but I would be watching out for the intake as barbiturates can be fairly addictive for some. For SOME.
Again, no more or less than morphine painkillers for some. Just be careful, is all.


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  kimsmom Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:59 pm

I used Fiorinal for many years. It is the same except for asprin instead of ty. It is a good pain med to start with. I am alergic to Codeine so mine was plain FIorinal. I take Firoicet now from time to time. Good luck I feel it will help you.

Let us know...


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  LG Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:21 pm

I have no clue whats in the meds, It doesn't say on the bottle, and it didn't say on the script either.
I use a small pharmacy now and it didnt even say on the paperwork that came with the bottle.
I imagine its whatever the non-generic pills are.

I hope I don't get addicted to these things. I do have to take pain meds 3-4 times a week like
I said. My PA hasn't spoken to me as much as my Doc has so I don't know if she meant to prescribe me
something as addictive as this is. I have to make an appointment soon to see my Doc soon anyways
so I guess we'll talk it over than.

I'd hate to see this stuff work and have to give it up all because of its addictive traits. I do have
an addictive personality, I know this because of the way I over-enduldge my food (my own personal
weakness is McDonalds where I have been known to scarf 3 1/2 big macs in one sitting Smile ) Thankfully, I am aware of that and always have been and have steered clear of all really bad substances.

I will give it a try and be really careful though. After all I have you guys to let me know if I get kooky, right?
Shocked LOL

**EDIT** Risa, the pills are Butalbital 50 mg, Acetaminophen 325 mg, Caffeine 40 mg and Codeine 30mg.
I googled it.

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  CluelessKitty Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:42 pm

There you go. This should treat moderate to severe-ish pain. You'll see how do you like it.
And hon, scarfing down three Big Macs is not necessarily a sign of addictive personality - it may mean you just like to eat ! Laughing
But in other aspects you may have an iron will, who knows. Do you?

The key to be in control is to be educated, is all. Just watch when you take it and how often you take it. Do you start to take it for less and less severe M? beep-beep! Do you think of taking it to make yourself feel better? beep- beep! and so on.
If you notice something amiss, you can ask for medication change. It will not be easy, but... It can be done.
and you should be fine.

But let's not think the worst right away. Education and control, is the key to successful pain management. Don't be unnecessarily alarmed, either, please. I'd hate to scare you out of a good med for you!
Most people take Fioricet and Fiorinal for years with no plm.

You DO need something for your pain, and the choice is limited, so... you gotta choose something, too.
Do discuss these things with your dr to have peace of mind.


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Stillhurtin Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:54 pm

lol.... oh yes....we will watch for any "kookiness" and let you know right away! geek

I tried fioricet and it did NOTHING for me. Kind of relaxed me, but as for pain, no.
I find Hydrocodone to be the best for me. It usually helps with all symptoms (Photo/phono phobia, visual disturbances, etc.) BUT if I take too much too quick I get real irritable and snappy. I, like you started with the 5/500 script but asked for a higher dose b/c I was taking 1 and a half pills to get relief (like you, 1 wasnt cutting it, but 2 made me too dopey). My neuro gave me a new script for 7.5/500 apap (increasing the pain killer part but not the amount of tylenol-which is good cuz I always worry about my poor liver). I find this amount to be perfect for me and has been for quite some time. Most of the time just one does it. If I can tell it'll be a monster and am headin to bed anyway, I'll take 1 and a half.

Good luck. I know how difficult it is to find relief without feeling like a drug seeker and especially finding one that will allow you to function without messing with the ability to be a good mommy Smile


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Ruth Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:15 pm

I took Fiorinal for many years and got addicted to it. I gradually weaned off of it through my doctor. It worked well for migraines as long as I took a couple and went to bed so I was relaxed.
My first clue that something wasn't right was when I used to look forward to getting a headache so I could take it! I should have realised then but I didn't
and my doctor would prescribe 100 over the phone whenever I wanted them. I would take up to ten in one evening on occasion, I'm surprised they didn't
kill me. As long as you know they can be addictive you can be careful and only take them when you really have a bad migraine.

If I'd have been told they were addictive in the first place maybe it wouldn't have happened to me. I only take T3's now. It's been many years since I took F.

Good luck!


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  LG Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:56 pm

Thanks for all the helpful information! I'm definitely going to bring up my concerns to my doc
for the next visit. Its good to let him know so he can monitor this with me. At least we can do this
together, too. My husband doesn't pay any attention to my meds, and nobody else really pays attention
either. It's just me and Doc, and you guys of course Smile

I hope it works, it seems to have done well for everyone here! I really hope it does for me, I'm getting
tired of turning down everything they throw at me. Even if I had to limit myself to getting relief once a week
I'd be happy because it's better than nothing, which is where i'm at right now!

How do doctors feel about giving two scripts at once to limit chances of addiction? I was thinking maybe
I could give what Jessica was talking about a try. Maybe I could ask for a prescription of 7.5/500 along with
the Fioricet if it works so I could rotate them out. I don't know how he would feel about it, I certainly
don't want my neuro to list me as a drug seeker either. I wish triptans would work for me, it sure would
make life easier.

Anyone ever been two narcotics at once like this? Or maybe some other suggestions for non-addictive pain
relief that can be used about 4 times a week?

I've been so very frustrated lately because of these persistant headaches. I'm on topamax, they have
definitely gotten less painful since starting this but the frequency is still there. I'm hoping if I continue the
topamax it'll get better but if it doesn't I have no clue what I'm supposted to do. I'm getting so upset Crying or Very sad
It's really effecting my whole life and probably my whole family. I'm trying to remain positive because it seems
to help but it's very hard when your in pain almost every day. I hope it gets easier. I'm sure it will, but
in the meantime I could really use a vacation.

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  TeriRobert Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:40 am

Addiction isn't an issue when you're in pain. Dependence maybe, but not addiction. They're quite different.

There's only one "strength" of Fioricet with Codeine. One thing my doctor told me and then I found out from personal experience is that the generic is NOT as good as the brand name. It's one of those generics where the fillers and binders make a definite difference.

One thing to be very careful of with Fioricet with Codiene is avoiding medication overuse/rebound. All four ingredients in it are potential rebound culprits; that's one reason doctors are often reluctant to prescribe it.

Still, I always have a prescription for it for both tension-type headaches and as a Migraine rescue in case my triptan fails.

Good luck!


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http://www.HelpForHeadaches.com, www.MyMigraineConnection.com

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Paradox Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:34 am

TeriRobert wrote:Addiction isn't an issue when you're in pain. Dependence maybe, but not addiction. They're quite different.


Thank you for your comment on that. It's an issue I've been wrestling with lately. Your comment makes absolute sense!


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  TeriRobert Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:12 am


You're most welcome! That's a hot button issue for me with people who don't have Migraines but want to make snarky comments about us and our meds. Evil or Very Mad

Here's an article you may like: Opioids: Addiction vs Dependence.


paradox wrote:
TeriRobert wrote:Addiction isn't an issue when you're in pain. Dependence maybe, but not addiction. They're quite different.


Thank you for your comment on that. It's an issue I've been wrestling with lately. Your comment makes absolute sense!



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http://www.HelpForHeadaches.com, www.MyMigraineConnection.com

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  milo Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:10 am

The Fiorinal did not work for me at all....and it caused really, really bad constipation....so bad that I would not even use the meds if they worked for me.

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  LG Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:32 am

Milo, I had that problem with vicodin pretty bad.

I don't mean to get personal here, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to,
but would it be beneficial for me to take a stool softener before taking fioricet? Did you
find that helped you at all?

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  LG Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:12 pm

mmm beauuutiful. a 5-6 migraine down to 1 ( Razz Shocked ) thanks to fioricet.
I am so happy, this has never happened before! I feel kind of strange though, like this happiness is
being way intensified by this drug. I can see why it can be addicting. Its very relaxing, I'm way
less stressed out and my pain is gone, two very nice things from one little pill.

I have to be verrry careful with this one, guys. It works, and is the only thing
i've found so far to do so well, but its also appealing. Definitely going to be
writing down every pill I take in a journal to give to my doctor to make sure it
doesn't get out of control.

As far as the abuse and dependency goes, I think there is a fine line.
I don't know whats okay. Is it okay for me to take this medication if i'm in pain as directed?
As in, if I need it 4 times a week, can I take it that often as long as I only take one pill every 6 hours.
(One seems to do perfectly for a 5-6. Maybe two for a more intense M but we'll see as I have more
experience with the drug. I usually only get 8/9/10 M once or twice a month.)

Also, with withdrawls, I mean..I do NOT want to go through that. What do I do if I want to use this as
a primary medication because it works?

I'm nervous because its so addictive and since I get Ms so frequently,
I just dont know how I would work this out. Any suggestions or am I being rediculously paranoid about this?

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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Ruth Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:02 pm

My doctor once told me to take Senoket (Safeway pharmacy has it), it's a natural laxative and it really helps if you have to take medication with codeine
in it that can be really constipating, I usually take it before or after the pain meds.


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Paradox Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:43 pm

I think the article that Teri posted should allay your fears.

Teri is a renown expert on migraines and our forum is very lucky to have her contributions.

I also think your cognizance of the drug and it's addictive potential will keep you from using it any more than what it is prescribed.

I'm glad you finally got some relief!


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Stillhurtin Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:53 am

Isn't it odd how ppl respond so differently to the same things? I got absolutely NO "high" or relaxed feeling from fioricet. Bizarre.

I'm glad you found something that works. =)

As for the addiction/Dependance....I battle this concern often! There is no good answer....especially with the confusion of rebounds....Do I take more? Did I take to much? Am I overusing? Blah Blah.

I have tried to stop worrying. If I have pain coming on and I have reliable pain relief at my disposal, I use it. It is what it is. I didn't ask for this pain or the dumb meds that come with the package....but I certainly can't lie life in pain or in a dark quiet room!!


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  estre004 Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:20 am

lovegia - In regards to: Anyone ever been two narcotics at once like this? Or maybe some other suggestions for non-addictive pain relief that can be used about 4 times a week?

I also get migraines 3-4 times a week regardless of anything I do. I've been getting them for around 10 years.
I take DHE as an abortive that is my lifesaver. So far it has worked very well. I have never had to up the dose and my migraines have pretty much stayed the same. I also keep a stock of hydrocodone and triptans around. I use the triptans as a preventive when I am going to be in a situation that could potentially cause a migraine. I use the hydrocodone along with the DHE sometimes. I try to alternate the drugs to keep them working as good as they do. So far, so good. As for 2 different narcotics, I have never done that. I wouldn't mind having another one around different from the hydrocodone just to alternate but I wouldn't dare ask my doctor. He would probably take the hydrocodone away also even though I don't abuse it. I think using different drugs is the key to keep them from not working anymore.

As far as getting addicted to the narcotics, I think you just have to be aware. I never take anymore than I was prescribed 10 years ago even though at times I know a little more would really help. In fact, if I think a little more might help, I just don't take anymore for awhile and then the small dose keeps on working.


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Fioricet and Codeine - Page 1 Empty Re: Fioricet and Codeine

Post  Olee Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:06 am

I was prescribed Fioricet years ago and yes it did work briefly, and I do mean briefly. It reminded more of T3, where the first month or so one dose did the trick, but then it faded and became less effective. I refuse to up a dose a pain meds after seeing the affects at close range, so once a pain med becomes non effective, it's time to consult the doc about increasing the dose or move on the something else. This was the case with Fioricet, where I had to drop it and move on to something else. I wish you the best with the this new med.

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