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3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals?

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3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals? Empty 3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals?

Post  Paradox Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:26 pm

When I got my iPad AT&T was offering unlimited 3G for 29.99 a month. They have since discontinued that, but luckily I was grandfathered in.

A friend is wanting 3G but so many of the plans are rip-offs...they say they're unlimited but when you look at reviews they actually have slow down times etc. What do you use and are you happy? How much usage do you use, like a lot of youtube, etc.


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3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals? Empty broadband

Post  dizzyflower Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:28 am

Ours is pretty terrible. It is BT and there isn't a fast connection. Sometimes it seems slower than our old dial up. Sorry this isn't very helpful.



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3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals? Empty Re: 3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals?

Post  Mini Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:28 pm

I do not find BT too bad.
There are some time that it seems slower then usual, but generally it is fine.
I watch quite a lot of TV programmes, some live (liek news), some on iPlayer and this is fine.
I wonder if it also depends where you live?

Mind you I would not mind to find something cheaper, many good deals are advertised, but I do not want to mess things up by changing at the moment. maybe when I get a new computer.

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3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals? Empty Re: 3G, 4G or broadband...what are the best deals?

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