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Love my neuro...new treatment

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Love my neuro...new treatment Empty Love my neuro...new treatment

Post  Paradox Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:15 pm

I had stumbled across an article on crazymeds.com that talked about using Buspar for migraines. I had never heard of it, but buspar seemed to have few side effects so I thought Id ask.

He was familiar with buspar but never in conjunction with migraine. I showed him the article on the Internet and he said "it can't hurt anything, let's try it". I told him that I loved how he didn't pooh pooh my ideas, and he said that he would be thrilled if it worked so that he might pass it along to another hard to treat patient. He said he didn't care where the info came from.

He put me on a dose where I can take up to three tablets as he trusts me to know I feel, with the warning to go off immediately if by any chance something comes up.

A forum member refers to me and her relative as a 1%ers. It means if 1% of people get a side effect, we will get it. I told my Dr this saying and he know calls me a 1%er.

Plus, he's a man I can giggle with. Hubby was discussing something and I noticed a slight grin on the Dr face. I looked at him and said "reminds me of a boneless chicken ranch". He laughed and laughed and said "that's exactly what I was thinking!". Anyone who can laugh along and understand a reference to a 25 year old Far Side comic is my kind if guy.

So, I'm trying 1-3 5mg buspar three times a day. Were comfortable because I have never tried a preventative in this class before so hopefully the chance of a reaction is low.

I so appreciate finding a Dr who listens and respects my opinion.

Oh, he also uses many things off label. I asked him about the weight loss product Alli to help with the constipation. He said "yes"! He has had two patients it has helped. But he hasn't been able to get the insurance companies to pay for it when he prescribed it for that. Hubby looked and he said it was pretty expensive OTC.


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Love my neuro...new treatment Empty Re: Love my neuro...new treatment

Post  Anna's Mom Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:09 am

Happy to see you post this, Char.

When Anna's weight kept going up and up during past years (and devastating her in the process), it did not make a whole lot of sense! She truly barely eats anything. We live five miles from any grocery store, she is home bound, she doesn't drive, and I know what she eats (I don't buy junk food). It is not at all from eating too many calories. Some bad (for her) preventatives caused weight gain--yes. But those were discontinued, and she kept gaining weight. And fluid build up--she was so filled with fluid everywhere. No doctor could figure it out. They all just shook their heads.

She can't be on mega diuretics because of her intracranial pressure issues (swinging from high to low).

We saw your neuro (our neuro) last summer. He did mega blood tests, looking for autoimmune disease. And he was quite surprised her tests came back normal. No indications in the blood tests for autoimmune disease of any sort. But he said she presents like she has an autoimmune disease. So he prescribed Plaquenil. And with that script, she started to lose weight. A good thing!

She is losing weight fast, maybe too fast. There is now another med prescribed by Diamond (Topamax) which is probably accelerating her weight loss. But she NEEDS to lose weight and excess fluid (even though it is coming off fast). Fifty pounds now, since she started Plaquenil.

What it has done for her morale is great. She looks more and more like she used to. She is fitting into clothes she hasn't worn in years. She hasn't been at this weight since late 2006. I hope she continues to lose more fluid and weight.

I give our neuro (your neuro!) tons of credit for coming up with the Plaquenil treatment. We probably won't see him again until the weather is nice (I don't want to travel far in winter). But I'm going to tell him how he nailed this one, plus she is doing well (relatively speaking) on the Vivactil that he prescribed.

Just had to share this because I rarely have any "good stuff" to share..

I'm glad to hear your great experiences also, Char.

Anna was on Buspar about seven years ago, and it wasn't good for her. But I hope it is helpful for you.

Anna's Mom
Anna's Mom

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Love my neuro...new treatment Empty Re: Love my neuro...new treatment

Post  Migrainegirl Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:58 pm

Cheryl, so glad to hear that Anna is doing better and has a good nuero. That must be a Godsend!

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