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Absurd dilemma on life and death

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  Ivy Wed May 19, 2010 2:34 am

I recently read Glenn Cooper's thriller stories: "The Secret of the 7th Son" and "Book of Souls".
In both books, the story is about a library made of hundres books which contain the names of all human beings born and dead in the world from the 14th century till Feb 9, 2027.

For each single individual there's the date of birth and the date of death and they are absolutely correct. I won't tell you more about the story, in case someone who loves thrillers wants to read them Smile

My absurd question is: would you like to know your date of death if - for an absurd reason - this were available?

I would not. I could no longer live the rest of my days.

Have a nice day

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  pen Wed May 19, 2010 4:24 am

Interesting, sounds like a book for my eldest daughter. I must get it for her.

I dont think I would like to know when I will die.
God, I get impatient and anxious enough as it is.

I wouldnt mind a clue to time of life though.....
Maybe, am I going to make it into my 70s....
My parents barely did...

I shall pontificate on this I think Ivy..
Good one, thanks.



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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  Richard Wed May 19, 2010 9:11 am

Intereting topic, Ivy.

Yes, I would look up my name in that book. I wish I had advance knowledge of Steve's death. It would have made grieving easier - without the shock. Had I foreknowledge of Steve's death, I would have made a few different decisions. I would have done some things I neglected to do for him. Yes, I wish I had known the date of his death in advance.

The date of my death? I would love to know. I would better be able to manage my finances and relationships if I knew for certain the end date.

I am 58 and horribly disabled. Do I live this way for another 20 or 30 years - as men do in my family? Or is today the day I move on? Yes, I would like to know ... do I really need to pay this bill or can I go out to dinner tonight? LOL

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  lesherb Wed May 19, 2010 2:26 pm

If the information was available, I would look at it. I don't think it would be good for me to know, though. I am much too anxious of a person and would be constantly counting down the years, months, days, hours....nope....I'd probably die from the worry! Shocked

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Post  milo Wed May 19, 2010 3:43 pm

I'm a control freak.....of course I would want to know....lol

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  Richard Wed May 19, 2010 4:27 pm

Leslie, my friend. What would worry you? If you knew the date of your death, you could drive as fast as you wish, abuse every feel-good substance known to man, sky dive, become a mercenary warrior ... anything in the world without fear of death. I don't think I would do any of these things ... but the potential for irresponsible behavior would be very temptimg to many. but anxiety? Worry? If you KNEW the date of your death, what is there to worry about ... I am already horribly disabled ... what would I have to lose?

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Post  milo Wed May 19, 2010 5:29 pm

I would soooooo put my skills to use with Doctors without Borders!

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty my vote

Post  crt Wed May 19, 2010 5:43 pm

Put me down for a yes. I agree with Richard's assessment. And I would do some of those reckless things. I want to drive a race car but am afraid to. If I knew for sure I wouldn't die until my "data", well, "Hand me my helmet and fire suit!"


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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  mxgo Wed May 19, 2010 7:33 pm

Yes, we might know the date of our death, but would we know the quality of life until that day? Not knowing the quality of life until our death, may make us less reckless.

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  CluelessKitty Wed May 19, 2010 7:46 pm

This is SO interesting.

I can't decide, being eclectic as I am ( that's an euphemism for being undecided, lol).
Part of me wants to know, part of me says nononono....

I'm sure I will want to read this book!


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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  Ivy Thu May 20, 2010 12:34 am

most of you are for the YES.
Also most of my friends would like to know.
The reasons for the YES are very interesting and they are a good temptation to get to know the fatal date, but.... I'd say NO anyway Smile

Risa, the first book is sold in the US with the title of "The Secret of the Seventh Son" while the title for the European market is "The Library of Dead". I don't know which title they choose for Canada, but be careful because you could find both titles for the same novel.

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Absurd dilemma on life and death Empty Re: Absurd dilemma on life and death

Post  tecky Thu May 20, 2010 5:10 am

lesherb wrote:If the information was available, I would look at it. I don't think it would be good for me to know, though. I am much too anxious of a person and would be constantly counting down the years, months, days, hours....nope....I'd probably die from the worry! Shocked

I'm like you, Leslie. I don't think I could handle it either--worry would drive me crazy first. flower

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