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Lovegia - MIA?

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  AuntieBubbs Tue May 25, 2010 9:41 pm

LG, so glad to hear the case was closed today for good. That's such a relief. All I can say is karma is a you-know-what, and the person who started this better look out for it.

Sorry I haven't been in touch, I've had a ton of crap go wrong in the past week and have been dealing with the aftermath. Still trying to figure stuff out and my head's not been behaving either. I'll be in touch soon though!

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  Ivy Wed May 26, 2010 3:35 am

I'm so happy that it's all over cheers
Take care

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  HeelerLady Wed May 26, 2010 6:51 am

LG - glad it's over. Smile One less stress in your life.

Hoping for good days for you to get your head back into submission. Razz


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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  Richard Wed May 26, 2010 9:05 am


So glad the CPS actually informed you their case was closed. Some CPS units get busy and forget that simple and necessary courtesy of non-crisis investigations. It's over and done with and in the past. Good.

Pity you chose to leave the job (for GOOD reasons) but it throws you back into the stress of "job seeker" AND migrainer. I am real sorry you are in that situation. But what blessings abound in your life - especially having a lovely daughter to rear. Having a cheery outlook on life! Being a strong and intelligent woman in 2010! Such blessings.

Hang in there - as Forest Gump reminded us - Life is a box of chocolates and you never know what you will bite into next - or something like that.

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  pen Wed May 26, 2010 9:23 am

So glad its over, must be a huge relief, but the stress just doesnt fizzle out does it?

Thanks for updating us. Come back when you can.



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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  milo Mon May 31, 2010 12:26 pm

Yay! (((HUG)))

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty So sorry...

Post  crt Mon May 31, 2010 1:47 pm

I too had hoped that you were off doing a job that you loved working with great people. It's just awful what you went through. I'm glad CPS is done. When you get to feeling up to it, I hope you can find a job where you find the work interesting and rewarding and where you are treated well.


PS When folks disappear from Ronda's, I always hope it's because their lives and their heads are greatly improved. Sadly, that's not usually the case.

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  LG Mon May 31, 2010 2:05 pm

Hey everyone,

I have a promising temp position coming up for the summer. I'm about 90% sure I have the job, they will call me in about two weeks to start. It works for now.

I had the toughest migraine weekend, I believe it was due to stress letdown and me becoming lax on my time schedule on taking my meds. I got back on track and increased the dosage because of the severity of them in general as of late. All seems to be going much better.

I have had my DMB shows planned for a while now and I am very excited because I am going next week. I'll be going to three of them in the course of four days. I am hoping my head will cooperate as I made these plans during better migraine days but I am calling in a vacation override with a doctor approval for extra medication so if anything else I should be able to manage the doozies I get. This is my big vacation Smile

I am still awaiting my formal letter from CPS stating my case was closed out but I am sure it was. After the panic left about the situation, I am able to see what the agent saw and what everyone can see about me as a mother. My daughter is smart, healthy and well cared for. I am smart, caring and loving towards her. I am not a drug abuser and I certainly don't abuse her. Nobody can dispute that Smile I feel as if I am in the clear!

Thanks again for all the support. I love this community so much...you guys are the best. I hope you are all doing well.

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  alli Mon May 31, 2010 8:18 pm

I'm so glad that is over. My neighbors turned me in when my son was about 3 because he had night terrors and would scream bloody murder every night. Rather than look at him and see that there were no bruises and such, they just called CPS. It was a nightmare but we were cleared. It hurts so badly when someone questions your parenting out of ignorance, I can't imagine how much more it hurt when it is done out of spite.

Glad things are better.

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Lovegia - MIA? - Page 2 Empty Re: Lovegia - MIA?

Post  Ivy Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:19 am

I hope that this is beginning of a positive period. You've given enough in terms of stress, anxiety and pain. Now it's time for happy and pleasant days flower

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