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I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin....

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I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin.... Empty I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin....

Post  alli Thu May 06, 2010 10:25 am

I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin....
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it's migraine makin it spin
I'm so dizzy!

Who ever knew an old Tommy Roe song would so accurately describe the last three days. (Dating myself a bit, but I LOVED Tommy Roe when I was about 11 yrs old. His Greatest Hits album was my favorite!)

I feel like crap with this dizziness. This Spring has just been awful!!!!

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Age : 63
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I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin.... Empty Re: I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin....

Post  pen Thu May 06, 2010 11:17 am

So sorry you are having such a lousy time lately Alli.
I hope it soon passes.



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I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin.... Empty Re: I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin....

Post  tecky Thu May 06, 2010 1:54 pm

I love Tommy Roe, too, Alli.

Hope the dizziness resolves soon and you get some relief. At least it's nice to have a song to think about rather than the pain, dizziness and other symptoms.

Posts : 825
Join date : 2009-12-03
Age : 63
Location : Montana, USA

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I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin.... Empty Re: I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin....

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