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Changing my identity - Joanr

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Changing my identity - Joanr Empty Changing my identity - Joanr

Post  Paradox Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:47 pm

There have been many times I've wanted to post personal views, life situations etc, but haven't because I had made my identity too open. So my log-in is now Paradox and since I've always hated the name Joan I will hence be known as Charlotte (which by the way is what one of my two sons would've been named had they been girls). Hmmm...this is kind of fun!

Charlotte (aka Joan)

Believe in kissing - Eve Ensler

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Changing my identity - Joanr Empty Re: Changing my identity - Joanr

Post  CluelessKitty Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:12 am

Got it, Paradox - Charlotte! Smile
Now spill the beans, Charlotte!


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Changing my identity - Joanr Empty Re: Changing my identity - Joanr

Post  moominamy Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:57 am

Ah, wondered who you were! My nan is Joan, she chose it as she didn't like her given name. So to me it feels familiar. But love Charlotte, very romantic. My grandparents wanted me to be called Sally as it was their chosen girls name, but they had two boys. My parents resisted. Same with my sisters. Eventually they (grandparents) bought a dog and called her Sally. Glad you got to use your name here.


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